12 AAC 40.943
A copy of Report 7 of the Council on Medical Service (A-14), Coverage of and Payment for Telemedicine, adopted by reference in 12 AAC 40.943, may be obtained from the American Medical Association, AMA Plaza, 330 N. Wabash Ave. Suite 39300, Chicago, IL 60611-5885, or on the association's Internet website at https://www.ama-assn.org/about-us/council-medical-service-reports. A copy of the Model Policy for the Appropriate Use of Telemedicine Technologies in the Practice of Medicine, adopted by reference in 12 AAC 40.943, may be obtained from the Federation of State Medical Boards, 400 Fuller Wiser Road, Euless, TX 76039, or on the federation's Internet website at https://www.fsmb.org/policy/advocacy-policy/policydocuments.
The State Medical Board originally adopted 12 AAC 40.943(b) by emergency action on April 30, 2020. Those emergency regulations were filed and took effect May 5, 2020, with an expiration date of September 1, 2020 under AS 44.62.260. Owing in part to confusion about whether AS 44.62.260 or a governor's disaster declaration under AS 26.23.020 set the duration of the emergency regulations, the State Medical Board proposed a minor amendment to add "or oral" after "urine" in 12 AAC 40.9433(b)(3) to the emergency regulations. On May 7, 2020, the board adopted that charge with the rest of 12 AAC 40.943(b) as a single set or emergency regulations, and issued a supplemental public notice under AS 44.62.190 stating that the board intended to make the emergency regulations permanent. So that all the emergency regulations would have a single effective date, and thus a single expiration date if not made permanent, the regulations attorney requested that the lieutenant governor's office file the regulations with the original May 5, 2020 effective date.
AS 08.64.100
AS 08.64.101
AS 08.64.364