Ala. Admin. Code r. 820-4-2-.03
101 Apples 152 Mushrooms
102 Apricots 153 Muscadine
103 Artichokes 154 Mustards
104 Asparagus 155 Nectarines
105 Avocados 156 Nutmeg
106 Bananas 157 Oats
107 Barley 158 Olives
108 Beans, Butter 159 Onions
109 Beans, Dry 160 Oranges
110 Beans, Lima 161 Papayas
111 Beans, Snap 162 Peaches
112 Beans, Waxed 163 Peanuts
113 Beets 164 Pears
114 Berries, Black 165 Peas, Dry
115 Berries, Blue 166 Peas, Field
116 Berries, Straw 167 Peas, Green
117 Broccoli 168 Pecans
118 Brussels Sprouts 169 Peppers
119 Cabbage 170 Persimmons
120 Carrots 171 Pineapple
121 Cauliflower 172 Plums and Prunes
122 Celery 173 Pomegranates
123 Cherries 174 Popcorn
124 Coffee 175 Pumpkins
125 Collards 176 Rape Seed
126 Corn 177 Rice
127 Corn, Sweet 178 Rye
128 Cotton 179 Sorghum Grain
129 Cucumbers 180 Soybeans
130 Dates 181 Spinach
131 Eggplant 182 Sugar Beets
132 Escarole 183 Sugar Cane
133 Figs 184 Sunflower Seeds
134 Flaxseed 185 Sweet Potatoes
135 Garlic 186 Tangelos
136 Grapes and Raisins 187 Tangerines
137 Grapefruit 188 Taro
138 Hay 189 Tea
139 Hops 190 Tobacco
140 Irish Potatoes 191 Tomatoes
141 Kiwi 192 Trees
142 Legumes, Seeds 193 Turnips
143 Lemons 194 Walnuts
144 Lettuce 195 Wheat
145 Limes
146 Maple Syrup 201 Cattle and Calves
147 Melons, Cantaloupe 202 Catfish and Fish
148 Melons, Honey Dew 203 Chickens
149 Melons, Water 204 Ducks
150 Milo 205 Eggs, Hatching
151 Mint 206 Geese
207 Goats 301 Eggs
208 Guineas 302 Flowers
209 Hogs 303 Foliage Plants
210 Horses 304 Grass
211 Lambs and Sheep 305 Honey
212 Mules 306 Milk
213 Quail 307 Cotton Seed
214 Turkeys 308 Mohair
215 Earthworms 309 Shrubbery
216 Shellfish 310 Wool
Authors: Valeria Harman, Charles E. Grainger, Jr.
Ala. Admin. Code r. 820-4-2-.03
Formerly Rule 820-X-2-.03, as per certification filed January 10, 2001; effective February 14, 2001.
Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 7-9-307, 7-9-407, 7-9A-320, 7-9A-523.