Chapter 810-3-200 - Income Tax Forms Appendix I
- Section 810-3-200-.01 - Domestic Corporation Income Tax Return (Form 20)
- Section 810-3-200-.02 - Foreign Corporation Income Tax Return (Form 20-F)
- Section 810-3-200-.03 - Application for Extension of Time by a Corporation to File Alabama Income Tax Return (Form 20-E)
- Section 810-3-200-.04 - Application for Refund of Corporation Income Tax Paid through Mistake or Error (Form IT-ARC)
- Section 810-3-200-.05 - Receipt of Payment/Request for Federal Form 7004 (Form ITC-951)
- Section 810-3-200-.06 - Employer's Quarterly Return of Income Tax Withheld (Form A-1)
- Section 810-3-200-.07 - Withholding Statement (Form A-2)
- Section 810-3-200-.08 - Yearly Reconciliation of Income Tax Withheld from Wages (Form A-3)
- Section 810-3-200-.09 - Employee's Withholding Exemption Certificate (Form A-4)
- Section 810-3-200-.10 - Withholding Exemption Certificate for Full-Time Students (Form A-4E)
- Section 810-3-200-.11 - Employer's Monthly Return of Income Tax Withheld (Form A-6)
- Section 810-3-200-.12 - Withholding Tax Tables and Instruction for Employers
- Section 810-3-200-.13 - Application for Alabama Withholding Tax Code Number (Form WH-1)
- Section 810-3-200-.14 - Application for Refund of Income Tax Paid through Mistake or Error to State Department of Revenue (Form IT:RE-2WH) (Withholding Tax)
- Section 810-3-200-.15 - Annual Information Return - Summary of Reports of Income Payments of $1,500 or More (Form 96)
- Section 810-3-200-.16 - Information Return (Each Employee) (Form 99)
- Section 810-3-200-.17 - Waiver - Consent fixing Period of Limitation upon Assessment of Income Tax (Form IT:121)
- Section 810-3-200-.18 - Request for Duplicate Refund Warrant (Stop Payment Order) (Form IT:441)
- Section 810-3-200-.19 - Notice to Claimants regarding ? 13A-9-3 of the Code of Ala. 1975, and the Forgery Affidavit
- Section 810-3-200-.20 - Net Operating Loss - Questionnaire to Determine NOL Allowable to Each Spouse when a Joint Return was Filed in the Loss Year (Form IT:486)
- Section 810-3-200-.21 - Penalty Schedules for Underestimation of Estimated Tax and Failure to File Estimated Tax (Form IT:404-AI)
- Section 810-3-200-.22 - Adjusted Refund for Return 40-A (Form IT:440-A)
- Section 810-3-200-.23 - Adjusted Refund for Return 40 and 4ONR (Form IT:440)
- Section 810-3-200-.24 - Partnership Return of Income (Form 65) with Instructions
- Section 810-3-200-.25 - Application for Refund of Income Tax (Amended) Paid through Error - Used with Forms 40, 40A, 40B, 40S or Fiduciary Form 41 (Form IT:RE-1)
- Section 810-3-200-.26 - Declaration of Estimated Tax - 1982 and Declaration of Estimated Tax - 1983 (Form 40-ES)
- Section 810-3-200-.27 - Fiduciary Income Tax Return (Form 41) with Instructions
- Section 810-3-200-.28 - Questionnaire - Loss from Fire, Storm, or other Casualty (Form IT:443)
- Section 810-3-200-.29 - Application for Extension of Time to File (for forms 40, 40A, 4ONR, 65 and 41)
- Section 810-3-200-.30 - Computation Schedule - Solar Energy Credits (Schedule SCR) Application for Certificate of Eligibility (Schedule SCR-2)
- Section 810-3-200-.31 - Sale or Exchange of Principal Residence - with Instructions (Schedule PR)
- Section 810-3-200-.32 - Net Operating Loss Carryback, Carryforward with Instructions (Schedule NOL)
- Section 810-3-200-.33 - Nonresident Individual Income Tax Return with Instructions (Form 4ONR)
- Section 810-3-200-.34 - Schedules A, B, D, E, and MR with Instructions (Form 4ONR)
- Section 810-3-200-.35 - Resident Individual Short Income Tax Return (with Instructions) (Form 40A)
- Section 810-3-200-.36 - Resident and Part Year Residents Individual Income Tax Return (Long Form 40) with Instructions
- Section 810-3-200-.37 - Schedules A, B, and CR to Form 40 (Itemized Deductions, Interest and Dividend Income, Credit for Taxes Paid to Other States)
- Section 810-3-200-.38 - Schedules D, E, and MR to Form 40 Profit from Sale of Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, etc. (D); Pension and Annuity Income, Rents and Royalties (E); Military Retirement Income and Exclusion (MR)
- Section 810-3-200-.39 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (Amount Different from Return) (Form WP103-61)
- Section 810-3-200-.40 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (with Worthless Check Service Charge) (Form WP103-65)
- Section 810-3-200-.41 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (on Signed Return) (Form WP103-62)
- Section 810-3-200-.42 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (without Worthless Check Service Charge) (FormWP103-63)
- Section 810-3-200-.43 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (No Return Having Been Made) (Form WP103-66)
- Section 810-3-200-.44 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (with Worthless Check Service Charge) (Form WP103-67)
- Section 810-3-200-.45 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Changed on Hearing) (Form WP102-1)
- Section 810-3-200-.46 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (Amount Different from Return) (Form 14P102-2)
- Section 810-3-200-.47 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (on signed return) (with Estimate Penalty) (Form WP102-3)
- Section 810-3-200-.48 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (No Return having been made) (Form WP102-4)
- Section 810-3-200-.49 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (on signed return) (Form WP102-5)
- Section 810-3-200-.50 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Failure to Protest Notice of Assessment) (Form WP102-6)
- Section 810-3-200-.51 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Protest Filed) (Form WP102-7)
- Section 810-3-200-.52 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Failure to Protest after Continuance) (Form WP102-8)
- Section 810-3-200-.53 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Withholding) (Failure to Protest) (Form WP102-26)
- Section 810-3-200-.54 - Final Assessment if Income Tax (Correct Return filed but tax not paid) (Form WP102-27)
- Section 810-3-200-.55 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (amount different from return) (Form WP102-44)
- Section 810-3-200-.56 - Assessment of Income Tax and Notice Thereof (on signed return) (Dishonored Check, addition of Estimates and Delinquent Penalties) (Form WP102-45)
- Section 810-3-200-.57 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Dishonored Check and Correct Return) (Form WP102-46)
- Section 810-3-200-.58 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Dishonored Check, amount different from return, and failure to protest) (Form WP102-47)
- Section 810-3-200-.59 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Protest filed) (Dishonored check) (Form WP102-48)
- Section 810-3-200-.60 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Dishonored check, withholding and failure to protest) (Form WP102-49)
- Section 810-3-200-.61 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Dishonored check, withholding and correct return) (Form WP102-50)
- Section 810-3-200-.62 - Schedule of Income and Deductions for Net Operating Loss Determination (Form IT:486)
- Section 810-3-200-.63 - Final Assessment of Income Tax (Dishonored Check, withholding, correct returns) (More than one Return) (Form WP102-52)
- Section 810-3-200-.64 - Lien Release - Jefferson, Mobile, and Montgomery Counties (Form WP102-9)
- Section 810-3-200-.65 - Certificate of Lien for Taxes (All Income Tax) (Form WP102-10)
- Section 810-3-200-.66 - Certificate of Lien for Taxes (Deceased taxpayer) (Form WP102-12)
- Section 810-3-200-.67 - Lien Release - All Counties other than Jefferson, Mobile, and Montgomery (Form WP102-13
- Section 810-3-200-.68 - Release of Lien (Release of Specific property only) (Form WP102-35)
- Section 810-3-200-.69 - Lien Release (Due to lapse of Time) (Jefferson, Mobile, and Montgomery Counties) (Form WP102-58)
- Section 810-3-200-.70 - Lien Release (Due to lapse of Time) (All Counties except Jefferson, Mobile, and Montgomery Counties) (Form WP102-59)
- Section 810-3-200-.71 - Lien Release (Tax Not Due) (Jefferson, Mobile and Montgomery Counties) (Form WP102-85)
- Section 810-3-200-.72 - Lien Release (Tax Not Due) (All counties other than Jefferson, Mobile and Montgomery Counties) (Form WP102-86)
- Section 810-3-200-.73 - Bankruptcy Claim (Statement of tax due) (Form WP102-36)
- Section 810-3-200-.74 - Bankruptcy Claim (Statement of tax due - deceased taxpayer) (Form WP102-55)
- Section 810-3-200-.75 - Order Vacating and Voiding Final Assessment (One return) (Form WP102-38)
- Section 810-3-200-.76 - Order Vacating and Voiding Final Assessment (More than one return) (Form WP102-39)
- Section 810-3-200-.77 - Application for Refund of Estate Tax (Form EST 123)
- Section 810-3-200-.78 - Receipt for Estate Tax Waiver (Form Estate 1)
- Section 810-3-200-.79 - Alabama Estate Tax Act Nonresident Affidavit for Stock Transfer Waiver (Form Estate 2)
- Section 810-3-200-.80 - Instruction for Preparing Alabama Estate Tax Waivers (Form Estate 5)810-3-200-81 Agreement of Nonresident an Installment Obligation (Form)