Ala. Admin. Code r. 660-2-4-.01
Prior to January 1, 1974, the State administered the adult category public assistance programs partially funded with federal monies under the Social Security Act. These programs, Old Age Pension (OAP), Aid to the Blind (AB), and Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled (APTD), were modified after January 1, 1974, to provide supplementary assistance payments from State funds alone for certain aged, blind, and disabled person. Alabama administers a program meeting the requirements of mandatory supplementation, Public Law 93-66, to provide for payments to all December 1973 recipients of OAP, APTD, and AB (or referred to collectively as State Supplemental) whose income level under SSI during any month (CIL - Current Income Level) is less than their income level as of December 1973 (MIL - Minimum Income Level); make payments equal to at least the difference between the December 1973 income level and the income level under SSI; and maintain the December 1973 income level, reducing it only as a decrease in needs would have caused a decrease in the December 1973 payment had such decrease been reported then. In addition to required or mandatory supplementation, optional payments are made in Alabama to eligible individuals who were not receiving assistance in December 1973. Optional supplementation payments are provided to individuals who receive SSI and to those non-SSI SUP recipients who were receiving optional supplementation payments as of March 7, 1986 provided all such individuals require independent homelife care, formerly personal care (only for persons who were receiving payment for such care as of September 30, 1986), or specialized independent homelife care in their own home or in a foster home licensed or approved by the Department of Human Resources, or care in a Cerebral Palsy Treatment Center (only for persons who were eligible for such care in May 1981).
Ala. Admin. Code r. 660-2-4-.01
Statutory Authority: Social Security Act Titles XVI and XIX; 20 C.F.R. 416 ; 42 C.F.R. 435 ; Title XIX State Plan; Code of Ala. 1975, Title 38.