Ala. Admin. Code r. 610-X-4-.14
Single State Licensure by Examination or Endorsement: $125.00
Multistate Licensure by Examination or Endorsement: $225.00
Disaster Temporary Permit: 25.00
Biennial Renewal of Single State RN or LPN license: 100.00
Biennial Renewal of Multistate RN or LPN license: 200.00
Initial Approval for Advanced Practice: 175.00
Certificate of Qualification (Eligible for Collaborative Practice): 100.00
Add Collaborative Practice: 75.00
Biennial Approval of Advanced Practice: 75.00
Student Nurse Apprentice Permit 50.00
New Nursing Education Program Fee: 1,500.00
Out of State Program Conducting Clinical in Alabama $500.00
Initial and Renewal, Continuing Education Provider: 400.00
Reinstatement of Lapsed Single State License: 250.00
Reinstatement of Lapsed Multistate License: 350.00
Reinstatement of Lapsed Advanced Practice Approval: 75.00
Reinstatement of Lapsed Advanced Practice Approval (NonAlabama MSL RN): 150.00
Reinstatement of Lapsed Continuing Education Provider: 500.00
Reinstatement of Suspended License: 250.00
Reinstatement of Revoked License: 750.00
NST-C Permit by Examination or Endorsement $50.00
Biennial Renewal of NST-C permit $50.00
Reinstatement of a lapsed, revoked, or suspended NST-C permit $75.00
MAC Permit by Examination or Endorsement $50.00
Biennial Renewal of MAC permit $50.00
Reinstatement of a lapsed, revoked or suspended MAC permit $75.00
Late Continuing Education Audit Fee
1st Time: 150.00
2nd Time: 300.00 Three or more times: 600.00
Coordinated Licensing Information System Report: 50.00
Voluntary Disciplinary Alternative Program: up to $1,000.00
Duplicate continuing education card: 25.00
Non-Nurses Verification of License: 50.00
Public Records Requests:
Document retrieval and preparation:
$5.00 for the first hour or any portion thereof $20.00 per each additional hour or any portion thereof per page fees:
$0.50 per page for copies produced on standard 8.5 X 11 paper
Actual costs:
Any costs incurred while processing or responding to a request, including but not limited to hardware necessary for producing electronic records, specialty paper, and costs incurred to search electronic databases.
Resend Mail Fee: 25.00
Group Online License Verification Service (annual fee):
Level I: 100.00
Level II: 750.00
Level III: 1,500.00
Level IV: 2000.00
Processing Subpoena: 10.00
Miscellaneous: up to $100.00
Consultation (per day): up to $500.00
Statutory Bad Check Charge: Maximum allowed by law
Reactivation of retired single rate license within two years of retired status: 600.00
Reactivation of retired multistate license within two years of retired status: 700.00
Reactivation of retired single rate license following two years of retired status: 250.00
Reactivation of retired multistate license following two years of retired status: 350.00
Registration for continuing education courses provided by the Board: Up to $100.00
Ala. Admin. Code r. 610-X-4-.14
Author: Alabama Board of Nursing
Statutory Authority:Code of Ala. 1975, §§ 34-21-2(j)(22), 34-21-24.