In rule document 2023–23918 beginning on page 71748 in the issue of November 23, 2022, make the following correction:
On page 72288, in the first column, in amendatory instruction 23, in the seventh line “(b)(3)(ii)(C)(1) through (3)” should read “(b)(3)(ii)(C)( 1) through ( 3)”.
On page 72288, in the second column, in paragraph (b)(3)(i)(C)( 1)( ii), in the second line “(b)(3)(i)(C)(1)(i)” should read “(b)(3)(i)(C)( 1)( i)”.
On the same page, in the same column, in paragraph (b)(3)(i)(C)( 2)( ii), in the first line “(b)(3)(i)(C)(2)(i)” should read “(b)(3)(i)(C)( 2)( i)”.
On the same page, in the third column, in paragraph (b)(3)(i)(C)( 1)( ii), “(b)(3)(i)(C)(1)(i)” should read “(b)(3)(i)(C)( 1)( i)”.
On the same page, in the same column, in paragraph (b)(3)(i)(C)( 2)( ii), in the second line “(b)(3)(ii)(B)(2)(i)” should read “(b)(3)(ii)(B)( 2)( i)”.
[FR Doc. C1–2022–23918 Filed 8–23–23; 8:45 am]