U.S. Supreme Court January 1847 casesPEPPER ET AL. v. DUNLAP ET ALMiners' Bank v. the United StatesBRIDGES ET AL. v. ARMOUR ET ALScott et al. v. JonesNELSON ET AL. v. HILL ET ALCOOK v. MOFFAT ET ALThurlow v. MassachusettsSheppard et al. v. WilsonHall v. SmithWood v. UnderhillThe United States v. the Bank of the United StatesJones v. Van ZandtHildeburn v. TurnerSewall v. ChamberlainCommercial Bank of Cincinnati v. Buckingham's ExecutorsInnerarity v. ByrneWALKER v. TAYLOR ET ALDick et al. v. RunnelsThe United States v. BriggsTHE UNITED STATES v. LAWTON ET ALMILLER v. HERBERT ET AL