Court of Criminal Appeals of Texas May 2006 casesEx Parte RamirezRoss v. Titus County District ClerkCanady v. Dallas County District ClerkEx Parte NunesQualley v. StateEx Parte GreenCavaliere v. Judge, 179th Dist. CourtEX PARTE SOSAEx Parte ParrishEx Parte LewisEx Parte CantuCarter v. Potter County District ClerkEx Parte SimsEx Parte TylerEx Parte StewartLee v. StateEx Parte GarciaEx Parte ChampionIn re CobleEx Parte O'BrienEx Parte BlacklockDoyle v. StateEx Parte TschoepeMireles v. Judge, 176th Jud. Dist. CourtEx Parte McIntyreEx Parte HillEx Parte BellEx Parte FosterEx Parte MayfieldEx Parte WattsEx Parte AcostaEx Parte HendersonEx Parte RevillEx Parte GloverEx Parte McGowenEx Parte McKenzieEx Parte HuntEx Parte ColemanEx Parte CastilloEx Parte NevelsEvans v. District Clerk of Bowie County