Surrogate Court of New York May 1954 casesMatter of PattersonMatter of GalewitzMatter of SchwartzkopfMatter of FrohmannMatter of StormMatter of MeyerMatter of SchwartzkopfMatter of ToeplitzMatter of MandelMatter of CarneyMatter of BallouMatter of EiblMatter of MichiganMatter of CarneyMATTER OF KERBSMatter of ZimtbaumMatter of ToeplitzMatter of MichiganMatter of MinerMatter of LevineMatter of BeattyMatter of BallouMATTER OF CHASE NAT. BANK OF CITY OF NYMatter of SchneiderMatter of BeattyMatter of MinerMatter of ZimtbaumMatter of StormMatter of SchneiderMatter of AlexanderMatter of GalewitzMatter of Chase Nat. Bank of City of N.YMatter of AlexanderMatter of FrohmannMATTER OF MANDEL