Supreme Court of New Mexico January 1997 casesWRIT GRANTEDBurge v. Mid-Continent Cas. Co.WRIT GRANTEDWrit GrantedSchein v. Northern Rio Arriba ElecDenials of CertiorariDenials of CertiorariConoco, Inc. v. Taxtion Revenue DeptWRIT GRANTEDWRIT GRANTEDDenials of CertiorariDenials of CertiorariWRIT GRANTEDWRIT QUASHEDWRIT GRANTEDWRIT GRANTEDMatter of SchmidtWrit GrantedDenials of CertiorariDenials of CertiorariDenials of CertiorariDenials of CertiorariGarcia v. Coe Manufacturing Co.State v. AnayaDenials of CertiorariDenials of CertiorariState v. GomezWRIT QUASHEDMatter of HerkenhoffWrit QuashedDenials of CertiorariWRIT GRANTEDMatter of CannainDenials of Certiorari