California Workers Compensation Appeals Board of California May 2022 casesERNESTO RUIZ, Applicant v. ROTO ROOTER; AMTRUST, DefendantsLUIS GARCIA (deceased) / MARLENE GARCIA, Applicant v. LOS ANGELES COUNTY PROBATION DEPARTMENT permissibly self-insured, administered by SEDGWICK CLAIMS MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC., DefendantsGayle Grant, Applicant v. San Mateo County Transit District, permissibly self-insured, DefendantALDO ONTIVEROS, Applicant v. COAST TO COAST GLASS COMPANY; MID-CENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsJose Velasquez, Applicant v. the Salvation Army; County of Santa Barbara, administered by Corvel Corporation, DefendantsDeborah Johnson, Applicant v. Alvarado HospitalGUS KOWAL, Applicant v. COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, permissibly self-insured, DefendantsArturo Lopez, Applicant v. CR & R, Inc.; XL Specialty Insurance Company, administered by Gallagher Bassett Services, DefendantsByron Diaz, Applicant v. Southbay Logistics International, LLCAgustina Perez Trejo, Applicant v. Benihana Restaurants, et al., DefendantsElmer Tarver, Applicant v. Albertsons, permissibly self-insured; administered by Sedgwick CMS, DefendantsCarlos Flores, Applicant v. County of Los Angeles, SHERIFF’S Department, permissibly self-insured, administered by Sedgwick CMS, DefendantsMilagros Paul, Applicant v. Icon, Inc.; Technology Insurance Company, DefendantsSUZANNE DODD, Applicant v. SUBSEQUENT INJURIES BENEFITS TRUST FUND, DefendantJEANETTE CHAMORRO, Applicant v. SAPUTO CHEESE USA, INC.; QBE STONINGTON INSURANCE, administered by SEDGWICK; ZURICH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsJose Luis Cruz A.K.A. Ricardo Gutierrez, Applicant v. Circle M. Contractors; Benchmark Administrators, DefendantsFrancis McDonald Jr., Applicant v. Coronado Stone Products; Travelers Property Casualty, DefendantsJULIO PAIZ, Applicant v. SAN RAMON MARRIOTT HOTEL/MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL, permissibly self-insured, administered by MARRIOTT HOT SPRINGS, DefendantsJesus Sandoval, Applicant v. Managing Personnel Services, Inc., Compass Pilot Insurance, DefendantsJULIAN SOSA, Applicant v. RACE ENGINEERING, INC.; INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, DefendantsMARGARITA BAEZ, Applicant v. S & H PACKING & SALES COMPANY, INC., dba SEASON PRODUCE; CYRPRESS INSURANCE COMPANY by BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESTATE COMPANIES, DefendantsMartin Van Doorn, Applicant v. West Valley Construction Company, Inc.; Zurich North America, DefendantsJORGE GERMAN BENAVIDES, Applicant v. WAGNER RYAN, individually; AGS TILE And STONE WESCO INSURANCE COMPANY, administered by AMTRUST NORTH AMERICA, DefendantsMARIE GUTIERREZ, Applicant v. THE VONS COMPANIES, INC., Permissibly Self-Insured, DefendantTeodoro Bolivar, Applicant v. Ediberto Heredia dba Heredias Garden Services; Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund, DefendantsThalia Williams, Applicant v. JB Hunt Transport Inc; Ace American Insurance, DefendantsJAIME LUGO PENA, Applicant v. SUTTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, permissibly self-insured, SUTTER HEALTH, DefendantsELLA VAYMAN, Applicant v. MEDNAX INC.; PENNSYLVANIA MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION, DefendantsEufemia Chavez, Applicant v. Robert amp; Martha Falkenberg; Federal Insurance Company, Adjusted by Chubb Group, DefendantsJILL WEATHERS (FALASCA), Applicant v. CARDINALE AUTOMOTIVE GROUP; REPUBLIC INDEMNITY COMPANY,Kimberly Dicato, Applicant v. Good Samaritan Hospital permissibly self-insured, administered by Athensadministrators, DefendantsGilberto Mondragon, Applicant v. Providence Industries, LLC, (MD2 Industries, LLC); Insurance Company of the West, DefendantsANGELICA ROSAS VEGA, Applicant v. BEST WESTERN PLUS STEVENSON MANOR (ESG PERSONNEL LEASING); SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ADMIN. BY AMTRUST, DefendantsDavid Edwards, Applicant v. San Diego Padres; Arrowood Indemnity Company, DefendantsMARIA LOMELI, Applicant v. DUDA FARM FRESH FOOD; XL SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, ADMINISTERED BY GALLAGHER BASSETT, DefendantsFrank Tellez Muela, Applicant v. City of Whittier, Permissibly Self-Insured, Administered by Keenan amp; Associates, DefendantsJessica Lopez, Applicant v. Jack in the Box; Arch Insurance Company, Administered by York Risk Services Group, a Sedgwick Company, DefendantsDaniel Modugno, Applicant v. Pressure Profile Systems; Security National Insurance, administered by Amtrust, DefendantsJose Santos Garcia, Applicant v. Rainbow Valley Nursery Company, Inc.; Jaime G. Mejia; David J. Mejia, DefendantsJane Yovino Young, Applicant v. Amador Residential Care, Inc.; State National Insurance Company, adjusted by Illinois Midwest Insurance Agency, LLC DefendantsAlfonso Moreno, Applicant v. Anderson Windows; Helmsman Management, DefendantsGuadalupe Hurtado, Applicant v. the JM Smucker Company; insured by Ace Indemnity Insurance, adjusted by Gallagher Bassett, DefendantsFREDY LARA PORTILLO (DEC’D); LORENA LARA, Applicant v. NORMAN ETCHISON; ZENITH INSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsMARY ANN SUNSHINE MEDINA, Applicant v. SAVERS FUEL MART; CALIFORNIA INSURANCE GUARANTEE ASSOCIATION for CASUALTY RECIPROCAL EXCHANGE, in liquidation, administered by SEDGWICK CMS, DefendantsCarole Kayem, Applicant v. CHILDREN’S Institute International, United States Fire Insurance Company, DefendantsRafael Saavedra, Applicant v. Country Fresh Herbs; Republic Underwriters; Falls Lake Insurance Company;Elaine Holguin, Applicant v. First United Methodist Church and Guideone Mutual Insurance Company, DefendantsMadhusudhan Vadde, Applicant v. A10 Networks; Atlantic Specialty Insurance administered by Intact Insurance Specialty Solutions, DefendantsJose Villagomez, Applicant v. Sierra Painting Company; Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies; State Compensation Insurance Fund, DefendantsJohnnie Gray, Applicant v. 7-ELEVEN, Inc.; Ace American Insurance Company; City of Santa Cruz, Permissibly Self-Insured, DefendantsLucila Dickson, Applicant v. the Crossings at Carlsbad; Praetorian Insurance Company, adjusted by Gallagher Bassett, DefendantsAMGAD SAAD, Applicant v. WESTERN REFINING RETAIL, LLC DBA SHELL GAS STATION; ANABI OIL CORPORATION; OLD REPUBLIC INSURANCE COMPANY; GALLAGHER BASSETT SERVICES, INC., DefendantsArt Gomez, Applicant v. City of Los Angeles Police Department; permissibly self-insured, administered by Tristar Risk Management, DefendantsCelso Juarez, Applicant v. Urban Brothers Painting, Old Republic General Insurance Corporation, administered by Gallagher Bassett Services, Inc., DefendantsMichael Blackwell, Applicant v. Curcio Enterprises, Inc.; Insurance Company of the West, DefendantsKen Stabler, Applicant v. KS Adams, dba Houston Oilers; New Orleans Louisiana Saints; Travelers Indemnity Company, DefendantsThomas Santiago, Applicant v. California Highway Patrol, legally uninsured; administered by State Compensation Insurance Fund, DefendantsBenjamin Claxton, Applicant v. Arizona CardinalsJuan Chavez, Applicant v. Fresno Produce, Inc.; Star Insurance, administered by Illinois Midwest Insurance Agency, DefendantsCrisanto Francisco, Applicant v. Ocean Breeze International; Star Insurance, administered by Meadowbrook Insurance Group, DefendantsTamara Harris, Applicant v. So. Cal. Permanente Medical Group, DefendantTerri Scott, Applicant v. City of Los Angeles, permissibly self-insured; administered by Tristar Risk Management, DefendantsBLANCA LOC, Applicant v. MONTEREY HEALTHCARE & WELLNESS CENTER and XL SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY/GREENWICH INSURANCE COMPANY administered by INTERCARE HOLDINGS, INC.; COMPWEST INSURANCE COMPANY, DefendantsClemencia Canela, Applicant v. County of Sacramento, permissibly self-insured; administered by County of Sacramento WORKERS’ Compensation, DefendantsJUAN GUZMAN, Applicant v. TASHA OFF PRICE, INC.; OAK RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY DBA BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HOMESTATE COMPANIES; TECHNOLOGY INSURANCE COMPANY ADMINISTERED BY AMTRUST, DefendantsAbraham Christian, Applicant v. Ring Security Agency, Inc.; Westport Insurance Company, DefendantsNoel Recinos, Applicant v. Webtrans Logistics, Inc.; State Compensation Insurance Fund, Defendants