N.L.R.B. Unpublished Board Decisions June 2015 casesCITY OF BEAUMONTMCI COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES, INC. d/b/a VERIZON BUSINESSParagonCentury Management LLC d/b/a McDonald's and McDonald's USA, LLC as joint or single employerMas Tec North America, Inc.Paragon SystemsGREEN FLEET SYSTEMS, LLCMAS TEC NORTH AMERICA, INC.COMMUNITY MERCY HEALTH PARTNERS d/b/a SPRINGFIELD REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTERLive Nation Entertainment, Inc.Primeflight Aviation Services, Inc.Waffle House, Inc.Exemplar, Inc.PACIFIC 9 TRANSPORTATION, INC.Hard Hat Services LLCCentury Management LLC d/b/a McDonald's and McDonald's USA, LLC as joint or single employerKeystone Automotive Industries, Inc.DELEK REFINING, LTDLifeway Foods, Inc.Seattle Children'sDignity Health & St. Francis Memorial HospitalTyco Integrated SecurityLabor for Hire, Inc.Lakepointe Senior Care & Rehab CenterCARGILL, INC.The District Council of New York City and Vicinity of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and JoineSSC METHUEN OPERATING COMPANY LLC, D/B/A METHUEN HEALTH & REHABILITATION CENTERSTG INTERNATIONALElite Protective ServicesMercy Health Partners, Hackley CampusCOMMUNITY MERCY HEALTH PARTNERS D/B/A MERCY MCAULEY CENTERCounty of Effingham/Effingham County SheriffOperative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association; Operative Plasterers' and CementAmpersand Publishing, LLC d/b/a Santa Barbara News-PressConvergys CorporationUnited States Postal ServicePRE-CAST SPECIALTIES, INC.The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.CVS RX Services, Inc.Village of NorthbrookCentury Management, LLC d/b/a McDonald's and McDonald's USA, LLC as joint or single employerCentury Management LLC d/b/a McDonald's and McDonald's USA, LLC as joint or single employerJOHNSON CRUSHING, INC.NEW YORK PARTY SHUTTLE, LLC,d/b/a ON BOARD TOURS, WASHINGTON DC PARTY SHUTTLE, LLC, D/B/A ON BOARD TAmericold Logistics, LLCPRO WORKS CONTRACTING, INC.United Parcel Service, Inc.RAMSEY COUNTYSeattle UniversityGo New York Tours, Inc.