N.L.R.B. Board Decisions December 2011 casesTIME AUTO TRANSPORTATION, INC. AND TIME AUTO TRANSPORT, L.S.Teamsters "General" Local Union No. 200, An Affiliate of the International Brotherhood of TeamstersW.D. Manor Mechanical Contractors, Inc.Jones & Carter, Inc./Cotton Surveying Co.Omaha World-HeraldSaint John's Health CenterGestamp South Carolina, LLC1621 Route 22 West Operating Company LLC, d/b/a Somerset Valley Rehabilitation and Nursing Center.Specialty Healthcare & Rehabilitation Center of MobileRoad Sprinkler Fitters, Local 669, U.A.(Cosco Fire Protection, Inc.)CARNEGIE LINEN SERVICES, INC.Lancaster Symphony OrchestraSpurlino Materials, LLC and Spurlino Materials of Indianapolis, LLCAtlas Refinery, Inc.East-West UniversityDEM/EX GROUP, INC. a/k/a DEMEX GROUP, INC. and its alter ego DEMOLITION EXCAVATING GROUP, INC. d/b/aDTG Operations, Inc.CF Taffe PlumbingTeamsters Local 509 (ABC Studios)Caribbean International News d/b/a El Vocero de P.R., and News Distributors of Puerto Rico, LLC.Venetian Casino Resort, LLCCamelot TerraceSeaport Printing & AD Specialties Inc. D/B/A Port Printing AD and SpecialtiesNorthrop Grumman Ship YardOperative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association; Operative Plasterers' and CementRaymond Interior SystemsDomsey Trading Corp.Ozburn-Hessey Logistics, LLCOdwalla, Inc.Rogan Brothers Sanitation, Inc.GenOn West, LP, fomerly known as Reliant Energy aka Etiwanda LLCStationary Engineers, Local 39 (International Hotels Group d/b/a Intercontinental Mark Hopkins)International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 771 and Joint Council 53 (Pennsy Supply, Inc. d/b/a ReaColumbus Transit LLCRaymond Interior SystemsGCA Services Group, Inc.The Fremont-Rideout Health Group d/b/a Fremont Medical Center and Rideout Memorial HospitalDirecTV U.S. DirecTV Holdings LLCVocell Bus CompanyThe Room StoreManhattan Center Studios, Inc.Sweetwater PaperboardEntergy Mississippi, Inc.IBEW Local 48 (Kinder Morgan)A.D. Conner, Inc., Gas City, Ltd, Heidenreich Trucking Company, McEnery Enterprises, McEnery TruckinSan Francisco Health Care dba Grove Street Extended Care Center2 Sisters Food Group, Inc., and Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market, Inc.Newburg Eggs, Inc.Wellington Industries, Inc.Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local 27, AFL-CIO (E.P. Donnelly, Inc.)Milum Textile ServicesSimon Properties GroupDHL EXPRESS INC.Harborlite CorporationThe American Bottling Company, Inc. d/b/a Dr. Pepper/Snapple GroupLM Waste Services, Corp.Summit Healthcare Regional Medical CenterOperative Plasterers' and Cement Masons' International Association; Operative Plasterers' and CementEngineering Contractors, Inc. and its alter ego, ECI of Washingon, LLCAvanti Health System, LLC; CHHP Holdings II, LLC; CHHP Management, LLCEnterprise Leasing Company - Southeast, LLCHTH Corporation, Pacific Beach Corporation, and Koa Management LLC, a Single Employer, d/b/a PacificSmurfit-Stone Enterprises, Inc. (Fresno)Flaum Appetizing Corp