N.L.R.B. Board Decisions March 1998 casesLaborers Local 121 (Meissner & Wurst/Marshall Construction)Sears, Roebuck & Co.Georgia Power Co.United States Service IndustriesSpectrum Health CareTraction SystemsBroadway, Inc.GATX Logistics, Inc.Milwaukee Engraving Co., Inc.Electrical Workers Local 3 (M.F. Electrical Service Co., Inc.Lancaster Typographical Union 32-65ITAL General ConstructionSundor Brands, Inc.University of Pittsburgh Med. CenterCoin Devices Corp.Lake Holiday ManorDomsey Trading Corp.Consec SecurityExpress Steel StructuresParkwood Developmental CenterF & A Food Sales, Inc.Orange Blossom Manor, Inc.Auto Workers (Ford Motor Co.)Southeast Ohio Emergency Medical ServicesMarmara, Inc.Adam's Mark HotelEd Morse Auto ParkCarter & Sons FreightwaysHouse of Raeford FarmsDattco, Inc.Family Service Agency of San FranciscoABF Freight SystemsOperating Engineers Local 150 (Brandenburg Industrial Service Co.)Keeler Die Cast