N.L.R.B. Board Decisions April 1981 casesGeneral Electric CompanyWean United, Inc.Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation *Vacated by Order dated April 19, 1982.Pinetree Transportation CompanyCutting, IncorporatedGlass Bottle Blowers Association, Local 149Town & Country LP Gas Service Co.Associated Milk ProducersH & R Contracting Corp.ITT Lighting FixturesBay State Gas CompanyLocal Union No. 91, Sheet Metal WorkersTheatrical Protective Union, Local OneSt. Regis Paper CompanyPentagon Barber ShopEllis Funeral Homes, Inc.Harper & Arterburn Co., Inc.K & E Bus LinesInternational Typographical Union, Local No. 57Firmat Manufacturing Corp.I. T. O. Corporation of BaltimoreRegency at the Rodeway InnWorld's Best Janitorial ServicesClean and ShineHegins CorporationOperating Engineers, Local Union No. 150Garrett Railroad CarSheraton-Anaheim HotelBildisco and BildiscoRice Food Markets, Inc.Highland Foods, Inc.Operating Engineers, Local 369Operating Engineers, Local 542Shulman Air Freight, Inc.Medic Ambulance ServiceDravo CorporationGaithersburg-Washington Grove Fire Dept.American Chain Link Fence Co.Alameda County AssociationHanes Dye and Finishing CompanyHartley, Doug, Inc.Parkview Acres Convalescent CenterK-Mart CorporationMarine Machine WorksEdmund Homes, Inc.Guerdon IndustriesFremont Manufacturing Division, The Oil Gear Co.See-Mor Cable T.V. of Sikeston, Inc.Wickes FurnitureCentral Freight LinesMt. Carmel HospitalLocal 360, Sheet Metal WorkersFitzgerald's Hotel/CasinoZurn Industries, Inc.Shaw Industries, Inc.Local 701, IBEWGrainger, W. W., Inc.IPCO Hospital Supply CorporationMilwaukee Children's Hospital AssociationModesti Brothers, Inc.Pettibone CorporationSheltering Pines Convalescent HospitalSt. Mary's Infant HomeHighway Express, Inc.Giddings & Lewis, Inc.Nansemond Convalescent CenterSteinerfilm, Inc.Crown Chevrolet Co.Marine Optical, Inc.Shafter Floor CoveringBrookside Manor, Inc.Avalon-Carver Community CenterIntercommunity HospitalLuk, IncorporatedFruehauf CorporationStewart Granite EnterprisesPlumbers, Local Union No. 119Nelson FilterPPG Industries, Inc.Newspaper Guild of New York, Local 3Monterey Drilling CompanyCustom Trim ProductsLocal 295, TeamstersJax Mold & Machine, Inc.General Teamsters Local 162R. C. Plastics, Inc.Thomas IndustriesGasko & Meyer, Inc.Mini-Industries, Inc.Mosey Manufacturing CompanyBabcock & WilcoxSouthern Moldings, Inc.Carpenters of Will CountyHospital Workers' Union, Local 250Hollander Home Fashion Corp.Limestone Apparel Corp.Modesti Brothers, Inc.