N.L.R.B. Board Decisions July 1968 casesGreat Dane Trailers, Inc.H. K. Porter Co. Inc.Ideal Baking Co., Inc.Local Union No. 174, TeamstersS & M Manufacturing Co.Lakes Concrete Industries, Inc.Sears, Roebuck and Co.Steel Metal Workers, Local 541Curtis Manufacturing Co., Inc.Solo Cup Co.Southern Permanente Services, Inc.Metal Polishers Union, Local 5Foremost Dairies of the SouthMose Cohen & Sons, Inc.Teamsters "General" Local No. 200McEwen Manufacturing Co.Amax Aluminum Extrusion Products, Inc.Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers, Loc. 386Gallaro Bros.Genuardi Super Markets, Inc.Teamsters Local Union No. 676Jackson Building and Construction Trades CouncilAtlanta Newspapers, Inc.International Paper Co.Standard Knitting Mills, Inc.Hickman Garment Co.Drives, Inc.Nashville Bldg. & Constr. Trades CouncilJ. C. Penney Co., Inc.Jervis Corp.Allen Motor ExpressAlaska Steamship Co.American Automobile AssociationTex-Tan Welhausen Co.Aerovox Corp. of Myrtle BeachHoliday Inn Restaurant and Country Squire RestaurantMonticello Cedar Co., Inc.Metal Workers' Alliance, Inc.Rexall Drug and Chemical Co.National Plywood, Inc.Ideal Laundry Corp.Dayton Town and Country Furniture Shop, Inc.Data Duplicators, Inc.Steele Apparel Co., Inc.King Radio Corp., Inc.Bally Case and Cooler, Inc.Tom Brown Drilling Co. Inc.Hap Jones Distributing Co., Inc.220 Television, Inc.The John J. Corbett Press Corp.Henry I. Siegel Co., Inc.Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.The Shell Co., Ltd.Crown Discount Department StoresPipe Fitters Local No. 522Revere Copper and Brass, Inc.Sola Basic Industries, Inc.Department Store Food Corp. of Penna.Hoisting & Portable Engineers Union #701Hardeman Garment Corp.Local 3, Electrical WorkersLocal Union No. 174, TeamstersDan's Star Market