N.L.R.B. Board Decisions January 1966 casesCumberland Farms, Inc.Union Carbide Corp.Oklahoma Sheraton Corp.N. Haven, Meriden & B'port Electrotypers No. 83Hermann Equipment Manufacturing Co., Inc.Young Motor Truck Service, Inc.Dubois Fence & Garden Co., Inc.United Assn. Plumbing and Pipe Fitting IndustryEngineers & Fabricators, IncGateway Chevrolet Sales, Inc.Seamprufe, Inc.Holly Hill Lumber Co.Braswell Motor Freight Lines, Inc.United Nuclear Corp.Carpet, Linoleum and Soft Tile Local No. 1247Jem Mfg., Inc.Farley and Loetscher Manufacturing Co.Bangor Plastics, Inc.Rexall Drug and Chemical Co.Local 98D, Int'l Union of Operating EngineersLocal Union No. 28, Sheet Metal WorkersPueblo Supermarkets, Inc.Gulf Power Co.Master Stevedores Association of TexasBenson Veneer Co., Inc.Halquist Lannon Stone Co., et al.Westinghouse Electric Corp.Casler Electric Co.Marion Bottling Co., Inc.Gafner Automotive & Machine, Inc.Lindsey'sGreat Scot Super MarketM & M Oldsmobile, Inc.Mock Road Super Duper, Inc.Murray Ohio Manufacturing Co.The Metallic Lathers Union , Local 46Cumberland Shoe Corp.Heck's, Inc.Intl B'hood of Electrical Workers, Local 480Georgia-Pacific Corp.Korner Kafe, Inc.Local 2346, United Brotherhood of CarpentersMarine Cooks and Stewards UnionMid-States Metal Products, Inc.Litton Precision Products, Inc.Bernhard Conrad Embroidery Co.Borden Co.Nelson Chevrolet Co.Wood, Wire & Metal Lathers' Int'l, Local No. 238Universal Electric Co.Colony Furniture Co.Int'l Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 5