Equal Employment Opportunity Commission December 2009 casesIris Wesselhoft, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Garrett T. Donaldson, Complainant, v. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Agency.Jose F. Torres, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Shawnetta Pullom, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Dana M. Carroll, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southeast Area), Agency.Terrill Dunning, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.James A. Cooper, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Western Area), Agency.Ronald Miller, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Bunnatine H. Greenhouse, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.James K. Sabourin, Complainant, v. Tom J. Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Michael J. Lutz, Petitioner, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Heather R. Christy, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Martin Gray, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Jean A. Montgomery, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Amy L. Sutcliffe, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Philip Z. Sobocinski, Jr., Complainant, v. Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Mural L. Weddle, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Peter Cano, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Western Area), Agency.Luis Faisca, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Teodor Cristescu, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Northeast Area), Agency.Tyrone Williams, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Rosa A. Kemper, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Beverly H. Phillips, Complainant, v. Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, Agency.Jeanne F. Lane, Complainant, v. Robert M. Gates, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Contract Management Agency), Agency.Monica Garate, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Karen L. Courvell, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southwest Area), Agency.Oscar Rueda-Rojas, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Kenneth D. Napper, Complainant, v. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), Agency.Charlotte L. Hazelett, Complainant, v. Pete Geren, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Darriel K. Caston, Complainant, v. Ken L. Salazar, Secretary, Department of the Interior, Agency.Carlos Acevedo, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.Victor A. Luna, Complainant, v. Mike Donley, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Jerry K. McMurtrey, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Regina Murry, Complainant, v. Paul Prouty, Acting Administrator, General Services Administration, Agency.Edward J. Simpkins, Complainant, v. Hilda L. Solis, Secretary, Department of Labor, Agency.Bradley J. Gervais, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Cary D. Cunningham, Complainant, v. Robert M. Gates, Secretary, Department of Defense (Defense Finance & Accounting Service), Agency.Alvino Simpson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Mary A. Jones, Complainant, v. Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.O'Neil O. Lawrence, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.David A. Elias, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Lawrence Thrash, Complainant, v. Pete Geren, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Anthony J. Sauls, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southwest Area), Agency.Joan E. Hendrix, Complainant, v. Ray H. LaHood, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Jannell Smith, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Western Region), Agency.Richard A. Chitwood, Complainant, v. Ray H. LaHood, Secretary, Department of Transportation, (Federal Aviation Administration), Agency.Voncille O. Stukes, Complainant, v. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Agency.Kathryn L. Snyder, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Region), Agency.Brenda J. Diggs, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Vivian Bush, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Vincent J. Di Gioia, Complainant, v. Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.John D. Reavis, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Wilfredo Romero, Complainant, v. Robert M. Gates, Secretary, Department of Defense, Agency.Katherine J. Stewart, Complainant, v. Pete Geren, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.John R. Landavaso, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.Harry Burnett, Complainant, v. Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, Department of Justice, (Drug Enforcement Administration), Agency.Margarita Colon-Rodriguez, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Michael J. Lutz, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Betty R. Boyd, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Capital Metro Area), Agency.Ronnie Lawson, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Dale Nguyen, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Capital Metro Area), Agency.Viola D. Johnson-Washington, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southeast Area), Agency.Bobbie J. Davidson, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Tammy T. Craven, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southwest Area), Agency.Mary A. Boston, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southeast Area), Agency.Sheila D. Trovato, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Isa Rahim Abdul-Aziz, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ricardo Flo, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Ronald J. Oleksy, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Latrisha M. Shaw, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.___________________, Complainant, v. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services (Health Resources and Services Administration), Agency.Richard D. Davis, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Herman Dennis, Complainant, v. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Agency.Kelly F. Raulerson, Complainant, v. Ray H. LaHood, Secretary, Department of Transportation, (Federal Aviation Administration), Agency.Dena J. Vara, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southwest Area), Agency.Tonya K. McDonald, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Eastern Area), Agency.Sandra L. O'Heron, Complainant, v. Robert M. Gates, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Finance & Accounting Service), Agency.Alexandra H. Sabbers, Complainant, v. Paul F. Prouty, Acting Administrator, General Services Administration, Agency.Linda Berrios, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southeast Area), Agency.James D. Walker, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southeast Area), Agency.Deborah A. Lombardino, Complainant, v. Tom J. Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Agency.Mimi L. Campbell, Complainant, v. Robert M. Gates, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Contract Audit Agency), Agency.Jack C. Loesch, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (New York Metro Area), Agency.Allan Goldstein, Complainant, v. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Agency.Fred D. Knox, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.Yasuo Toyota, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Gary L. Miller, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Gilbert H. Amis, III, Complainant, v. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, (Transportation Security Administration), Agency.Andrew J. Abernathy, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southeast Area), Agency.Lori Munroe, Complainant, v. Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Belinda Webb, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Frank Calvano, Complainant, v. Robert M. Gates, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Threat Reduction Agency), Agency.Mark D. Gianfelice, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Northeast Area), Agency.Yuri J. Stoyanov, Petitioner, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Isaac P. Decatur, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Terry E. Cox, Complainant, v. Michael J. Astrue, Commissioner, Social Security Administration, Agency.Clarence E. Wright, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Marion L. Dearman, Complainant, v. Timothy F. Geithner, Secretary, Department of the Treasury, (Internal Revenue Service), Agency.Felecia Brooks, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southeast Area), Agency.Isaac J. Smith, Complainant, v. John McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Jimmie L. Miller, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Peggy Garmon, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southwest Area), Agency.Victor Jones, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.Brenda J. Mackey, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Myung Y. Ashley, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southwest Area), Agency.Emma L. Blathers, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, (Veterans Health Administration), Agency.Kenneth Morris, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Diana Simon, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Alma L. Gibson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.Helen A. Jones, Complainant, v. Ray H. LaHood, Secretary, Department of Transportation, (Federal Aviation Administration), Agency.Terrie M. Moultry, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.Melvin D. Lampkins, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Elba C. Arrocha, Complainant, v. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, Agency.Lorraina Nyanza, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Andrea Massiah, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (New York Metro Area), Agency.Fermin Salas, Complainant, v. Ken L. Salazar, Secretary, Department of the Interior (Fish and Wildlife Service), Agency.Herman Dennis, Complainant, v. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services, (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Agency.David L. Anderson, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Harry E. Hamilton, Complainant, v. Paul F. Prouty, Acting Administrator, General Services Administration, Agency.MARY PARNELL, COMPLAINANT, v. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, AGENCY.Delia J. Jimenez, Complainant, v. Mike Donley, Secretary, Department of the Air Force, Agency.Westley S. Lash, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service (Southwest Area), Agency.Gordon A. Perry, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Helena L. Reid, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Capital Metro Area), Agency.Charles R. Hunt, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southeast Area), Agency.Carlos Torre, Complainant, v. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security (Customs and Border Protection), Agency.Marc D. Mopsick, Complainant, v. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services (National Institutes of Health), Agency.Larry D. Seaburg, Complainant, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Gwendolyn A. Pair, Complainant, v. Dr. Donald C. Winter, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Dairy Burns and Robert Baker, Complainants, v. Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, Department of Justice, (Federal Bureau of Prisons), Agency.Jesse Boykin, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Abbie N. Fisher, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southwest Area), Agency.Rick L. Madore, Complainant, v. Robert M. Gates, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Finance & Accounting Service), Agency.Deborah Soza, Complainant, v. Robert M. Gates, Secretary, Department of Defense, (Defense Finance & Accounting Service), Agency.Irma Baca, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Pacific Area), Agency.David A. McSulla, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Headquarters) Agency.Richard J. Pope, Complainant, v. Ray Mabus, Secretary, Department of the Navy, Agency.Pamela S. Van Keuren, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Victor Hadnot, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Audrey B. Summerour, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Thomas E. Allen, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Miguel R. Valero, Complainant, v. James C. Duff, Director, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts Agency.Carl R. Hord, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Capital Metro Area), Agency.Gladys Rice, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Great Lakes Area), Agency.Jerry K. McMurtrey, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Sharon E. Pearman, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Eastern Area), Agency.Deborah C. Epps, Complainant, v. Ray H. LaHood, Secretary, Department of Transportation, Agency.Dedra D. Thomas, Complainant, v. John McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Rafael Campos, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southwest Area), Agency.Jerome Branch, Complainant, v. Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs, Agency.David D. Corbett, Jr., Complainant, v. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Department of Homeland Security, (Customs and Border Protection), Agency.Ricky Williams, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Ralph C. Grissett, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, Agency.Kenneth L. Ratliff, Complainant, v. John M. McHugh, Secretary, Department of the Army, Agency.Harry C. Wallace, Jr., Complainant, v. Eric H. Holder, Jr., Attorney General, Department of Justice, Agency.Richard J. Welch, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Western Area), Agency.Teresa A. Pleasant-Lopez, Complainant, v. John E. Potter, Postmaster General, United States Postal Service, (Southwest Area), Agency.