Agency Nos. A70-669-362 A70-669-363 A70-669-364 A70-669-365
Before: KLEINFELD, HAWKINS, and GRABER, Circuit Judges.
The memorandum disposition filed May 23, 2005, is amended as follows: On page 2, after the second full paragraph, insert the following new paragraph:
The BIA permissibly concluded that Petitioner§s fear of future persecution is not objectively reasonable whether the alleged reason for his fear is an imputed political opinion or, instead, is his family relationship to his brother. See Thomas v. Ashcroft, No. 02-71656, 2005 WL 1313514 (9th Cir. June 3, 2005) (en banc) (holding that a family can be a particular social group). Moreover, there is no evidence that Petitioner§s family ties themselves, as distinct from suspected material support of militants, motivated the police.
With this amendment, Petitioners§ motion to rescind the memorandum disposition is DENIED.