LC No. 13-006765-01-FC
Anica Letica, Noah P. Hood Judges
Kirsten Frank Kelly Presiding Judge
Pursuant to MCR 7.206(D)(4) and MCR 7.216(A)(7), and in light of defendant's failure to comply with this Court's October 5, 2022 show-cause order, the complaint for superintending control is PEREMPTORILY GRANTED, except insofar as plaintiff seeks an award of attorney fees. Within 42 days of the entry of this order, defendant circuit court shall hold all necessary proceedings to comply with this Court's remand instructions in People v Thomas, unpublished per curiam opinion of the Court of Appeals, issued July 28, 2015 (Docket No. 320329) (remanding for the circuit court to explain the factual basis for the court costs it had imposed).
The proposed stipulated order of dismissal was rejected for filing as improper under IOP 7.218(B), and-given its confusing verbiage and defendant's admission that it has yet to comply with a remand order issued more than seven years ago-we would have declined to enter such an order in any event.
Pursuant to MCR 7.215(E)(1), this constitutes our final judgment in this matter. We do not retain jurisdiction.