No. 89-R-99027-SCT
Serial: 218737 ORDER
This matter is before the en banc Court on the Court's own motion. After due consideration, the Court finds that Mississippi Rule of Appellate Procedure 46(b)(5) shall be amended as set forth in Exhibit A.
IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Mississippi Rule of Appellate Procedure 46(b)(5) is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit A. This amendment is effective immediately.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court shall spread this Order upon the minutes of the Court and shall forward a true copy hereof to West Publishing Company for publication in the next edition of the Mississippi Rules of Court and in the Southern Reporter, Third Series (Mississippi Edition).
SO ORDERED, this the 10th day of May, 2018.
/s/ William L. Waller, Jr.
RULE 46(b)(5) - Mississippi Rules of Appellate Procedure
(5) Verified Application, Clerk's Statement and Filing Fees. A foreign attorney desiring to appear pro hac vice before any court or administrative agency of this state shall file with the subject court or administrative agency and with the Clerk of the Supreme Court (1) a verified application and (2) a statement obtained from the Clerk of the Supreme Court indicating all causes or other matters in which the foreign attorney previously requested leave to appear as counsel pro hac vice showing the date and disposition of each request. Such application and statement shall be accompanied by a certificate of service on all parties in accordance with the Mississippi Rules of Civil Procedure.
The verified application shall contain the following information:
i. the name of the court or administrative agency before which the foreign attorney desires to appear as counsel pro hac vice;
ii. the style of the cause in which the foreign attorney desires to appear;
iii. the full name, residence address, office address, voice and facsimile telephone numbers, and e-mail address, if any, of the foreign attorney;
iv. each jurisdiction in which the foreign attorney has been admitted and the date of admission;
v. a statement that the foreign attorney: (a) does not maintain an office within this state, or that the foreign attorney is a member of a firm which maintains an office or offices within this state which are staffed, full time, by an attorney or attorneys who are licensed to practice in this state and (b) has not engaged in the general practice of law in this state without being properly admitted and licensed to practice law in this state;
vi. a statement that the foreign attorney is currently licensed in good standing to practice law in each jurisdiction in which the foreign attorney has been admitted or, if the foreign attorney is not currently licensed in good standing to practice law in any jurisdiction in which the foreign attorney has previously been admitted, a full explanation of circumstances;
vii. a statement that the foreign attorney is not currently suspended or disbarred by any jurisdiction in which the foreign attorney has been admitted;
viii. a statement of whether or not the foreign attorney has been the subject of disciplinary action by the bar or courts of any jurisdiction during the preceding five (5) years, and, if so, a full explanation of the circumstances;
ix. a statement that the foreign attorney is of good moral character and familiar with the ethics, principles, practices, customs, and usages of the legal profession in this state;
x. the style and number of each cause, including the name of the court or administrative agency, in which the foreign attorney has appeared as counsel pro hac vice within this state within the immediately preceding 12 months, is presently appearing as counsel pro hac vice, or has requested admission to appear as counsel pro hac vice;
xi. a statement that, unless permitted to withdraw by order of the court or administrative agency, the foreign attorney will continue to represent the client in the cause until the final determination of the cause, and that, with reference to all matters incident to such cause, the foreign attorney consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Mississippi, of the disciplinary tribunals of the Mississippi Bar, and of the Mississippi Board of Bar Admissions in all respects as if the foreign attorney were a regularly admitted and licensed member of the Mississippi Bar;
xii. the name and office address of the member or members in good standing of the Mississippi Bar whom the foreign attorney has associated in the particular cause; and
xiii. the verified application of the foreign attorney for appearance pro hac vice shall also be signed by the associated local attorney, certifying the local attorney's agreement to be associated by the foreign attorney in the particular cause.
Simultaneously with the filing of the application, the foreign attorney shall pay to The Mississippi Bar the sum of $200 $300 which will be used by the Bar to provide legal services to the indigent, and shall certify to the court or agency and to the Clerk of the Supreme Court that such payment has been made, and shall pay to the Clerk of the Supreme Court the customary miscellaneous docket fee as provided in Miss. Code Ann. § 25-7-3. In cases involving indigent clients, the court or agency may waive the filing fees for good cause shown.