In Re DSTJ, L.L.P., Successor to DSTJ Corporation and Milestone Operating, Inc.
THAT at the term of the Honorable Ninth Court of Appeals of the State of Texas, begun and holden at Beaumont on the 1 day of January, A.D. 2016, present, Chief Justice STEVE MCKEITHEN and Justices CHARLES KREGER, HOLLIS HORTON and LEANNE JOHNSON.
"Pursuant to and in compliance with an Order of the Supreme Court of Texas, dated August 16, 2016, it is ordered that this cause be transferred to the Fourteenth Court of Appeals, at Houston, Texas, and that the Clerk of this Court certify all orders made in this Court, and transmit all records and papers in said cause to the Clerk of the Fourteenth Court of Appeals.
I, Carol Anne Harley, Clerk of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth District of Texas, at the City of Beaumont, herein certify that the foregoing is a true copy of this Court's order entered from this Court to the Court of Appeals for the Fourteenth District of Texas at Houston as appears of record in Minute Book Volume 20."
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of this Court at Beaumont this 17 of August 2016.
Carol Anne Harley
Clerk of the Court