Estate of Matthew Colvin v. Dustin Matt Lawson
LC No. 2019-000050-NI
Jane E. Markey, Douglas B. Shapiro Judges
James Robert Redford Presiding Judge
The motion for immediate consideration is GRANTED.
In lieu of granting leave to appeal, the Court orders that the trial court enter a protective order restricting access to the content of defendant's electronic devices and accounts other than as required to determine whether or not defendant was engaged in phone or website activity on the morning of the crash. The protective order should also include language that the information obtained shall not be used for any purpose other than as necessary for the pending cases, and to protect defendant from any unauthorized release or use. As provided by MCR 2.302(C), protective orders may be crafted as required "to protect a party or person from annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, or undue burden or expense."
In all other respects, the relief sought in the application for leave to appeal in these matters is DENIED.
This order is to have immediate effect. MCR 7.215(F)(2).