Michael B. Bell and Community RV Investments, L.L.C. v. Bay Area RV Parks, LLC, f/k/a Bay Area Utilities LLC, WGB RV Parks LLC, Judston F. Welling, Johnathan D. Gibbs, Charles E. "Chuck" Simmons, and Charles Steven Simmons, Individually and as Trustee of the H.S. Simmons Trust
Trial court: 113th District Court of Harris County No. 2019-32654
April Farris, Judge
On November 1, 2023, appellants, Michael B. Bell and Community RV Investments, L.L.C., filed a joint appellants' brief. Appellee WGB RV Park, and appellees Judston Welling and Jonathan Gibbs jointly, each filed their respective appellee's briefs on January 16, 2024. However, appellees Bay Area RV Parks, LLC, formerly known as Bay Area Utilities LLC, Charles E. "Chuck" Simmons, Charles Steven Simmons, and Charles Stevens Simmons as Trustee of the H.S. Simmons Trust (collectively, the "Bay Area Parties"), have not filed their appellees' brief.
On January 16, 2024, the Court granted the Bay Area Parties' second request for an extension of time to file their appellees' brief. The deadline for the Bay Area Parties to file their brief is February 15, 2024. On January 29, 2024, appellants filed an "Unopposed Motion to Reset Deadline to File Appellants' Reply Brief(s)." In their motion, appellants note that all appellees have not yet completed briefing, and in order to "reply to the appellees in a consolidated brief," appellants request that the Court "reset their deadline to reply" to the briefing of appellees until thirty days after the Bay Area Parties appellees' brief is filed.
Appellants' motion includes a certificate of conference representing that no parties are opposed to the relief requested. See Tex. R. App. P. 10.1(a)(5), 10.3(a)(1), (2).
Appellants' motion is granted. Appellants' reply brief, if any, is due no later than thirty days after the date the Bay Area Parties file their appellees' brief. See Tex. R. App. P. 38.6(c).
It is so ORDERED.