Tryco Steel Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsJul 15, 1971192 N.L.R.B. 97 (N.L.R.B. 1971) Copy Citation TRYCO STEEL CORP. Reinforcing Iron Workers, Local Union No. 426, International Association of Bridge , Structural and Ornamental -Iron Workers, AFL-CIO (Tryco Steel Corporation) and Charles P. - Schmelter. Case 7-CB-2172 July 15, 1971 DECISION AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN MILLER AND MEMBERS BROWN AND JENKINS On January 4, 1971, Trial Examiner -Samuel Ross issued his Decision in theabove-entitled' proceeding, finding that the Respondent had engaged in and was engaging- in certain unfair labor practices, and recommending -that it cease and desist therefrom and take certain affirmative action, as set forth in-, the attached Trial Examiner's Decision. Thereafter,' the General Counsel filed exceptions to the Trial Examin- er's Decision and a supporting brief, and the Respon- dent filed cross-exceptions and a brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as -amended, the National Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection-with°this case to a three-member panel. The Board has reviewed the rulings of the Trial Examiner made - at , the hearing and finds that no prejudicial error was committed. The rulings- are hereby affirmed. The Board has"considered the Trial Examiner's Decision,- the exceptions and briefs, -and the entire record in the case; and hereby adopts the findings," 'conclusions, and recommendations of the Trial-Examiner, as modified below. We agree with the Trial Examiner that the=Respon- dent, by attempting to cause, and by causing, Tryco Steel Corporation to refuse to- employ Charles P. Schmelter because he was not a member of the Respondent and did not have a work permit issued by it, thereby violated Section 8(a)(2) of the Act. However, we find, contrary to the Trial Examiner, that the letters of June 9, 1970, by Respondent's counsel to Schmelter and Tryco, which the Trial Examiner himself characterized as "equivocal," did not terminate the Respondent's backpay obligation to Schmelter. Where a union undertakes to remedy its prior unlawful conduct, the Board has recognized the inequity in continuing to charge it with backpay 1 These findings are based, in part , upon credibility determinations of the Trial Examiner to which the Respondent has constructively excepted. After careful review of "the record, we ' conclude that these credibility findings are not- contrary to the clear preponderance of all the relevant evidence. Accordingly, we find no basis for distrubing these findings. Standard Dry Wall Products Inc., 91 NLRB 544, enfd. 188 F .2d 362 (C.A. 3). ' ' , 97 liability simply because the employer, ,whose actions the union cannot control, declines to hire the victim of the past, union-caused discrimination,-2 Nonetheless, the Board has in this type of case required clear, unequivocal action by the union; so as not to permit it to escape liability by virtue of a token 'act not calculated or likely to achieve a correction-of the wrong committed a - Respondent in this 'case has previously been recalcitrant in living up to its statutory obligations with respect to work permits. Thus,` as chronicled by the Trial Examiner, Respondent in 1965 was' ad- judged guilty of criminal contempt of a court.decree in continuing to require work permits of nonmembers. Again, in 1970 Respondent was €otmd $' to ' have required work permits of nonmember's in violation of Section 8(b)(1)(A).4 In that case, ashere, Respondent attempted to limit its back pay liability by a communi- catiorf-to the employer'' that it would not object to the employment of the discriminatee-. However, the Board found that Respondent's"action was'suf€icient- ly unclear as to render the communication ineffective for tolling purposes. - - We believe the same situation obtains in°theepresent case. Respondent's discriminatory policy`was' carried out by Business Manager' Wheeler - and Steward Grant. The June 9 letters were not from Wheeler or Grant but from counsel who not only disclaimed that Respondent had done anything wrong, by virtue of a false representation that Tryco had had no openings for the discriinatee, but also failed-to indicate in any manner that Business Agent Wheeler, Ste"ward Grant, and others responsible for -carrying 'out' the Union's policies had been -instructed-to cease their'-discrimina- tion. The letter sent by counsel to Tryco was such that, in,view of Respondent's previous, repeated -conduct of this -unlawful- 'character, We Would anticipate that Tryco's representatives would view it-With, consider- able ' skepticism, Indeed, our reading of, the letters from Respondent's counsel-leaves-us with the convic- tion that Respondent was not in fact-seeking-to cure its previous misdeeds but rather to limit its liability with as guarded- a statement to Tryco and, Schmidt as it could, it thought, getaway With. Weneed not decide whether a letter of -this character would-satisfy in other ' situations for with this :Respondent a more affirmative communication was necessary to erase the effect of its unlawful conduct. In view-of the -findings of the Trial Examiner, with which-we "agree, -that the Union's failure to inform its "stewards and member- 2 Pinkerton 's National Detective Agency, Inc., 90 NLRB 205, 213. 3 See, e.g., Local 595, International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental ` Iron Workers (Clinton Construction` Co.),^ 109 NLRB 13, 1&-79; Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers' International Union , Bricklayers Local No. 2 (Glenshaw Glass Co., Inc.), 176,NLRB No. 54. 4 Reinforcing Iron Workers, Local `Union' No. 426' (Great' Lakes Contracting of Detroit, Inc.), 180 NLRB No. 124. ` - - 192 NLRB No. I 98 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD ship that work -,permits were not required was a substantial -factor in- the Union 's continued mainte- nance and - enforcement of its, , illegal work permit policy, we, do not believe that the Union can be said to have, unequivocally expressed its willingness , to cease its unlawful conduct , until it has informed its stewards and membership, as well as Tryco, that work permits are not required as a condition of employment. We shall therefore direct that the Respondent make Schmelter - whole for any Joss of , pay suffered as a result._ of the Aiscriminationvagainst him from May-26, 1970, to 5 -days after unequivocal notification in writing by ,the Respondent's business manager .to its stewards and membership , _as well as to Tryco and Schmelter,- that it has no policy'-of requiring, work permits for Tryco and Schmelter and that it has no objection , to, Schmelter's hire by Tryco. Further, in vied, of the , 1,rial Examiner's own ` finding as -to -the Union 's, failure_'properly, to instruct its members and stewards ,coiicermng such permits , we shall require the Respondent = io,,-notifya; its job , stewards that work permits -" as a condition of employment are not required of nonmembers . We shall also amend the notice.,attached as Appendix , to the Trial Examiner's Decision by,;inserting therein a_ statement that the espondent will _ not require such permits as a condition of employment. ORDER , Pursuant to Section 10(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as , .mended, , the National Labor Relations Board adopts asits Order the recommend- ed Order- of the Trial Examiner, as herein modified, and, hereby orders that the Respondent, Reinforcing Iron Workers, ,Local Union , No. 426, International Association of Bridge, ,Structural and, Ornamental Iron, Workers, AFL-CIO, its - officers,; agents, and representatives, shall take, the, action set-forth in the Trial Examiner's recommended Order as so modified: - I.- , Delete- -paragraph 2(b) of the recommended Order and-.substitute the following: (b) ,Make Charles P. Schmelter: whole, for any loss of pay-he-may have suffered as a result of the discr-inunation ^caused,against' him in,the manner set forth, in, the-section of the Trial Examiner's Decision, entitled "TheRemedy," as modified by the Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation