Star-Dee Health Products, Inc.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsApr 11, 1980248 N.L.R.B. 1100 (N.L.R.B. 1980) Copy Citation 1100 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD Stur-Dee Health Products, Inc. and Biorganic Brands, Inc. and International Industrial Pro- duction Employees Union, Petitioner. Case 29- RC-4757 April 11, 1980 DECISION ON REVIEW AND ORDER BY CHAIRMAN FANNING AND MEMBERS PENELLO AND TRUESDALE On December 7, 1979, the Regional Director for Region 29 of the National Labor Relations Board issued his Decision and Direction of Election in the above-entitled proceeding in which he found that the contract between the Joint Employer (herein called the Employer) and the Intervenor' did not constitute a bar to the petition filed herein. Ac- cordingly, he ordered an election for all produc- tion, maintenance, and shipping and receiving em- ployees employed by the Employer. Thereafter, in accordance with Section 102.67 of the National Labor Relations Board Rules and Regulations, Series 8, as amended, the Employer and the Inter- venor filed timely requests for review of the Re- gional Director's decision on the grounds, inter alia, that the Regional Director had departed from Board precedent and misapplied Board doctrine. By telegraphic order dated January 9, 1980, the Board granted the Employer's and Intervenor's re- quests for review. Pursuant to Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the National Labor Re- lations Board has delegated its authority in this proceeding to a three-member panel. The Board has considered the entire record in this case with respect to the issue under review and makes the following findings: The Employer recognized the Intervenor in 1970 as the collective-bargaining representative for the unit of employees petitioned for herein. From 1970 to the present, the Employer and the Intervenor have entered into a series of collective-bargaining agreements of 4 years' duration, each containing a reopener provision permitting the Intervenor the right to reopen the contract in the 60 days prior to the end of the third year of the agreement. The record indicates that in both 1973 and 1976 the In- tervenor exercised its right under the reopener pro- vision. On both occasions, the parties were unable to reach agreement, and, pursuant to the contract, submitted issues to binding arbitration. Subsequent to arbitration, the Employer and the Intervenor signed the contracts. I Local 1115 Employees Union, a Division of 1115 Joint Board, inter- vened on the basis of a contractual interest. 248 NLRB No. 138 Pursuant to the reopener provision of the 1976 contract, the Intervenor notified the Employer in 1979 of its intention to reopen contract negotia- tions. Approximately five bargaining sessions were held between the two parties from September 6 to October 5, 1979.2 During these negotiations, the Employer and the Intervenor agreed to renew and extend the 1976 agreement for 4 years, with the In- tervenor maintaining the right to reopen the con- tract at the end of the third year. However, the parties were unable to reach agreement on eco- nomic terms of the contract, and agreed to submit the issue to interest arbitration. They also agreed to apply any increases granted by the arbitrator retro- actively to October 9, the effective date of the bar- gaining agreement. This agreement by the. parties was embodied in a letter prepared and signed by the Intervenor on October 9, and signed by the Employer on October 12.3 The instant petition was filed on October 23. The arbitration pursuant to the October 9 agreement was held on October 24, but no decision had been rendered by the close of the hearing. 4 In finding that the agreement between the Em- ployer and the Intervenor did not constitute a bar to the instant petition, the Regional Director, rely- ing on Herlin Press Inc.,5 concluded that the provi- sion to arbitrate economic terms rendered the con- tract fatally defective for contract-bar purposes. Contrary to the Regional Director, we conclude that in these circumstances the agreement between the Employer and the Intervenor constitutes a con- tract bar. The Board has long held that, to be a bar, a con- tract must be "so complete as to substantially stabi- lize labor relations between the parties,"6 and should "chart with adequate precision the course of the bargaining relationship [so that] the parties can look to the actual terms and conditions of the contract for guidance in their day-to-day prob- lems." 7 Thus, an agreement limited only to wages and fringe benefits,8 or one which has been sub- stantially abandoned or altered, 9 will not constitute a bar to a petition. However, the Board has never held that the failure of a contract to contain or de- 2 All dales hereinafter are in 1979 unless otherwise indicated. 3 The letter recited the agreement of the parties to extend the terms of the 1976 contract, set forth the effective date of the new contract as well as the termination date, and stated that economic terms would be submit- ted to binding (interest) arbitration. The record indicates that it would be approximately 5 weeks before the arbitrator made the award The hearing in this case was held on No- vember 8 s 177 NLRB 940 (1969). 6 Spartan Aircraft Company, 98 NLRB 73, 74-75 (1952); Appalachian Shale Products. Co., 121 NLRB 1160. 1163 (1958). A .ppalachian Shale, supra at 1163. J. P Sand and Gravel Company, 222 NLRB 83 (1976) 9 Austin Pouwder Company, 201 NLRB 566 (1973). STUR-DEE HEALTH PRODUCTS 1101 lineate every possible provision which could appear in a collective-bargaining agreement negates the bar quality of such a contract. In Spartan Air- craft, supra, the Board found an otherwise detailed contract which contained a provision stating that the employer and union would "endeavor to agree upon the proper classification and hourly rate ranges as soon as possible" '° sufficiently complete to constitute a contract bar. And the provision to leave to future negotiations wage rates was not viewed as requiring a different result. More recent- ly, in a case quite similar to the instant case, the Board determined that a contract which contained substantial terms and conditions of employment, but lacked specific wage rates for the petitioned-for employees, provided the requisite degree of labor relations stability to constitute a bar. Thus, in Levi Strauss, the Board noted that the parties had bar- gained about wage rates for the petitioned-for em- ployees, and also had granted wage increases for them." Hence, both Spartan Aircraft and Levi Strauss involved contracts containing substantial terms and conditions of employment as well as identifiable agreements, either by contract terms or practice, to resolve in the future outstanding wage issues. Based on the foregoing, we agree with the Em- ployer and the Intervenor that their agreement pro- vides a sufficient degree of stability and contains the requisite substantial terms and conditions of ' Spartan Aircraft, supra at 74 " Levi Strauss & Co.. 218 NLRB 625 (1975). In Levi Strauss., the contract set forth, inter alia, the following terms and conditions of employment: hours of work, insurance, disability benefits, vacations, holidays, an arbitration clause, and a recognition provision. Accord: Local 3, International Brother- hood ofElectrical Workers, A FL-CIO (Gessin Electrical Contractors. Inc.), 224 NLRB 1484 (1976) (8(b)(7)(A) allegation; contract which failed to set out precise terms of' age rates held not defective in finding contract sufficient to remove question concerning representation; contract contained provision to resolve w% age rates, %% herein parties agreed to be bound by wage rates set forth in master agreement soon to be negotiated) The 1976-80 agreement betseen the Employer and the Intervenor, which the parties agreed to extend by virtue of the October 1979 letter. contains similar detailed provisions as in the Lemvi Strauss case. employment comtemplated by the Act. The Em- ployer has recognized and bargained with the In- tervenor since 1970. The collective-bargaining agreements entered into by these two parties con- tain provisions for, inter alia: recognition of the pe- titioned-for unit, grievance and arbitration, vaca- tions, holidays, hours of work, union security, no- strike agreement, seniority, sick leave, leaves of ab- sence, maternity leave, bereavement leave, jury duty, leaves, severance pay, uniform and lockers, dues checkoff, and trust fund payments. The par- ties to the contract have an agreed-upon process for resolving in the near future one uncompleted aspect of the contract, a process which the parties have availed themselves of in the past to resolve similar disputes. Thus, in accord with Levi Strauss and Spartan Aircraft, we find that the agreement between the Employer and the Intervenor contains substantial terms and conditions of employment as well as a definite and readily ascertainable method for determining economic terms. 12 Accordingly, we find the 1979-83 agreement between the Em- ployer and the Intervenor constitutes a bar to the instant petition, and we shall therefore dismiss it. ORDER It is hereby ordered that the petition filed herein be, and it hereby is, dismissed. 1 llerhln Press Inc.. supra, relied on the by the Regional Director, is not to the contrary. In that case, the parties merely extended an agreement pending new negotiations. The Board concluded that such an extension was not a bar to a petition, especially since no new agreement was executed, and the extension was of indefinite duration. The Board further rejected the parties' argument that an agreement to arbitrate a new contract constituted a bar, because all the provisions of the new agreement were subject to arbitration. Thus, there existed no written, signed contract which could act as a bar In the instant case. the Employer and the Intervenor signed an agreement to incorporate the substantial terms and conditions of a previous contract into a new agreement, and expressly limited the scope of the binding arbitration to those economic terms which had not been agreed upon. See also Local 3. IBEW supra. STUR-DEE H ALTH PRODUCTS 1 Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation