March 17, 1999
Ms. Marvalina Harp v. General Services Administration
March 17, 1999
March 17, 1999
Re: Appeal No. 01983190
Agency No. None
Hearing No.
Ms. Marvalina Harp
c/o J Voyles, Esq. #200
600 Village Trace
Marietta, GA 30067
Dear Mr. Voyles:
This is in reference to correspondence which the Office of Federal
Operations recently received.
The record listed under the above referenced docket number is being
closed for the following reason(s):
This appeal is a duplicate of Appeal No. __________ which is being
The agency has canceled/rescinded its final agency decision.
_____ A settlement agreement was reached in your case.
Your appeal is premature. You may, however, file a new appeal when
a final decision is issued in your case. See enclosure.
You requested withdrawal of your appeal.
X Other: It is the basis of a civil action filed in United States
District Court. See EEOC Regulation 29 C.F.R. � 1614.410.
Ronnie Blumenthal,
Office of Federal Operations
cc: General Services Administration
Director, Civil Rights Division
18th & F Sts., N.W. Room 5128
Washington, D.C. 20405