LTV Aerospace Corp.Download PDFNational Labor Relations Board - Board DecisionsMar 11, 1968170 N.L.R.B. 200 (N.L.R.B. 1968) Copy Citation 200 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD LTV Aerospace Corporation (Range Systems Divi- sion), Employer-Petitioner and International As- sociation of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 37, AFL-CIO, et al. Cases 23-RM-198 and 23-UC-25 March 11, 1968 DECISION AND ORDER BY MEMBERS FANNING, ,IENKINS, AND ZAGORIA Upon petitions duly filed under Section 9(c) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, a hearing was,held before Clayton Corley, Hearing Officer of the National Labor Relations Board.' Thereafter, the Employer and District 37, Interna- tional Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO, hereinafter called "IAM," each filed a brief. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 3(b) of the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, the Na- tional Labor Relations Board has delegated its powers in connection with this case to a three- member panel. The Board has reviewed the Hearing Officer's rulings made at the hearing and finds that they are free from prejudicial error. They are hereby af- firmed. Upon the entire record in this case, including the briefs of the Employer and the IAM, the Board finds: 1. The Employer is engaged in commerce within the meaning of the Act, and it will effectuate the purposes of the Act to assert jurisdiction herein. 2. The labor organization involved claim to represent certain employees of the Employer.2 3. Early in October 1967, the National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration,, hereinafter called "NASA," awarded the Employer a contract (NAS 9-7500) to furnish certain facility and equipment maintenance service to the Manned Spacecraft Center near Houston, Texas. This contract, to become effective on December 1, 1967, involved the very same work which, prior to that date, had been performed by three separate contractors under three separate contracts with NASA. Until December 1, Graham Engineering furnished general facilities maintenance; Darius Fields Facili- ties, a subsidiary of Brown & Root Northrup, hereinafter called "DFF," furnished special pur- pose equipment maintenance; and Lockheed Elec- tronics Company, a subsidiary of Lockheed Air- craft Corporation, performed engineering and planning functions. There was no difference in the statement of work required by NASA under the consolidated contract from that required in the three predecessor contracts, nor was there any requirement that contractor personnel be reduced. In fact most of the personnel employed by the predecessor contractors became employees of the Employer-Petitioner on December 1. The Em- ployer hired 80 of the 140 Lockheed employees,3 90 of the 100 DFF employees, and all of the 500 Graham employees. Nevertheless, the consolidation of the contracts permitted NASA to reduce costs in that its supervision of one contractor did not neces- sitate as large an administrative effort as did the management of three contractors. Prior to the actual award of the contract by NASA, in late September 1967, LTV commenced negotiations with the representatives of the 13 In- ternational Building Trades unions who had represented the Graham employees in six separate ' Pursuant to the Board's Rules and Regulations, Series 8, as amended, the Regional Director issued an order transferring the case to the Board for decision In addition to the IAM, the Building Trades Unions General President's Committee and the following 13 International Building Trades Unions in- tervened for the limited purpose of protecting their interests under their contract with LTV Aerospace Corporation, International Association of Heat & Frost Insulators & Asbestos Workers, International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers & Helpers, Bricklayers, Masons & Plasters International Union of America, United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America, Operative Plasters & Ce- ment Masons International Association, International Hod Carriers, Build- mg and Common Laborers Union, International Union of Operating En- gineers, Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators & Paperhangers of America, United Association of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canda, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, International Association of Bridge, Structural & Ornamental Iron Workers, Sheet Metal Workers International Association, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen & Helpers •` The former Lockheed employees, principally professional and techni- cal employees, are not involved in the unit questions presented by these cases LTV AEROSPACE CORPORATION 201 Board certified collective-bargaining units,' and on and the IAM undertook negotiations regarding the November 3, 1967, LTV entered into a collective - former employees of DFF, which the IAM had bargaining agreement with these 13 International similarly represented in a Board certified unit.5 For- unions. At or about the same time the Employer mal negotiating meetings with the IAM were held 4 The employees formerly employed by Graham are certified as follows Case Number 23-RC-2567 Certified 12-6-65 IBEW LU #716 Consent Agreement 23-RC-2583 Certified 12-22-65 Pipefitters #211 Stipulation 23'^RC-2584 Certified 12-22-65 Plumbers LU #68 Stipulation 23-RC-2586 Certified 12-22-65 Carpenters Union Stipulation 23-1ZC-2595 Certified 1-31-66 Asbestos Local 22 Boilermakers #74 Plasterers #681 Laborers #313 Oper. Eng. #450 Painters #130 Painters #550 Iron Workers #84 Teamsters #968 Stipulation 23-RC-2596 Certified 1-31-66 Sheet Metal LU 54 Stipulation Unit All inside wiremen and apprentices at Ellington Air Force Base and the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center located in Harris County, Texas, performing electrical work in connection with NASA Contract No. 9-1383 and any amendments thereto, excluding all office clericals, administrative and professional employees, all managers, watchmen, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. All journeymen pipe fitters and apprentices at Ellington Air Force Base and the NASA Manned Space Craft Center located in Harris County, Texas, performing work under the Project Agreement for maintenance by contract in connection with NASA Contract No. 9-13 83 and any amendments thereto, excluding all other employees, office clericals, administrative and professional employees,all managers, watchmen, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. All journeymen plumbers and apprentices at Ellington Air Force Base and the NASA Maimed Space Craft Center located in Harris County, Texas, performing work under the Project Agreement for maintenance by contract in connection with NASA contract No. 9,1383 and any amendments thereto, excluding all other employees, office clericals, administrative and professional employees, all managers, watchmen, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. All millwrights, carpenters, roofers, pile drivers, millmen and apprentices at Ellington Air Force Base and the NASA Manned Space Craft Center located in Harris County, Texas, performing work under the Project Agreement for mainte- nance by contract in connection with NASA Contract No. 9-1383 and any amend- ments thereto, excluding all other employees, office clericals, administrative and professional employees, all managers, watchmen, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. All journeymen asbestos workers, boilermakers, heavy equipment operators, iron workers, painters, cement masons, sign painters, laborers, truck drivers, material checkers, warehousemen, and their related apprentices, employed at Ellington Air Force Base and the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center located in Harris County, Texas, performing work under the Project Agreement for maintenance by contract in connection with NASA Contract No. 9-1383 and any amendments thereto, excluding all other employees, office clerical employees, including those work- ing in the Employer's Real Property Department, administrative and professional employees, all managers, watchmen, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. All metal workers, including those engaged in the fabrication and erection, weld- ing and other related work connected therewith, employed by Graham Engineer- ing at Ellington Air Force Base and the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center located in. Harris County, Texas, performing work under the Project Agreement for main- tenance by contract in connection with NASA Contract No. 9-1383 and any amend- ments thereto, excluding all other employees, office clericals, administrative and professional employees, all managers, watchmen, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. ' Employees formerly employed by DFF are certified as follows; Case Number Unit 23-RC -2357 All employees engaged in preventive and reparative maintenance support Certified 4-26-65 services for the laboratories , test facilities , and technical service shops at Machinists Dist. 37 the National Aeronautics and Space Administration , Manned Spacecraft RD Direction Center (tASA/MSC), and installation and maintenance workers, employed by the Employer at the Manned Spacecraft Center , Houston, Texas , excludy ing all professional, executive , and office clerical employees , guards, watchmen , and supervisors as defined in the Act. 202 DECISIONS OF NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD on November 11, 15, and 30 and another was scheduled for December 8. However, the Em- ployer, having already filed the instant petitions the previous day, refused to proceed with the meeting of December 8. It is the Employer's position that a letter it had received on November 30 from an at- torney who represented certain Building Trades lo- cals purported to raise a question concerning representation of the former DFF employees, who had been represented by the IAM, which neces- sitated the filing of the instant election petition. In- both the election and clarification petitions the Em- ployer seeks to replace the various units found ap- propriate by the Board under the predecessor con- tracts with a single broad maintenance unit on the ground that such a unit is appropriate in view of the reorganization presently contemplated. By its peti- tions, the Employer seeks a unit to be composed of all maintenance employees now employed by LTV Aerospace Corporation (Range Systems Division) engaged in work specified in LTV/RSD Statement of Work, part II, sections C, E, and F, at the Manned Spacecraft Center, Harris County, Texas, including employees in the electrical, mechanical, grounds and labor, general support and main- tenance shops departments, excluding all other em- ployees, including office clerical employees, watchmen, guards, technical employees, profes- sional employees, and supervisors as defined in the Act.6 At the hearing the IAM moved to dismiss the petitions on the grounds that they were untimely filed, there is a contract bar, and the unit requested is inappropriate. The contracts asserted to be a bar are the agreements between DFF and the IAM' and that between LTV and the 13 International Build- ing Trades unions as well as the purported agree- ment between the Employer and the IAM.'I The In- ternational Building Trades unions intervened for the limited purpose of protecting their interests under their contract with LTV but stated that they would take no position on the issues involved until such time as a charge filed by the IAM under arti- cle 21 of the AFL-CIO constitution (the no-raid section ) against the 13 International unions could be resolved by the Federation's tribunals. The view we take of the matter makes it unneces- sary to resolve many of the issues raised by the IAM and the Employer. The fact that no union seeks to represent all of the employees in the proposed unit, we believe, is sufficient grounds to dismiss the petition in 23-RM-198 entirely aside from contract bar and 'unit issues raised by the IAM The attorney who wrote the November 30 letter, purportedly on behalf , of the Building Trades unions, claiming representational rights over the former DFF employees, and which was used as the basis of the Employer's contention that a question of representation existed, testified that this letter was written without authorization on the part of any of the 13 International unions signatories to the contract with LTV, or any subordinate labor or- ganization, none of which has made any claim of representation regarding the former DFF em- ployees. Thus, although the Employer may have be- lieved that a question of representation existed re- garding the former DFF employees prior to its filing the petition, no such question did in fact exist. In any event, not 1 of the 13 International Building Trades unions has made any claim that it seeks to represent all of the employees in the proposed new overall maintenance unit. Similarly, the IAM, argu- ing that the employees it represented under DFF are still doing exactly the same work as they had done before and from the same geographical loca- tion in spite of the Employer's attempted reor- ganization, seeks only to have the petitions dismissed and to continue this same representation. The suggestion of the Employer that the 13 Interna- tional Building Trades unions and the IAM, none of whom have indicated any desire to represent all of the employees in the proposed new unit, should not participate in an election to represent the em- ployees involved solely because some person,acting without the authorization of any labor organization, disputed the regularity of the Employer's de facto recognition of the IAM as the representative of the DFF employees hired by the Employer cannot but disturb industrial stability and is contrary to the purposes of the Act. Accordingly, we shall dismiss the petition in 23-RM-198. 4. Nor do we find that the purposes of the Act or the advancement of stability in the labor relations in this particular industry would in any way be enhanced by our finding that the unit sought in the Employer's UC petition is an appropriate one. The Employer has introduced evidence attempting to show, on the one hand, that it envisions doing busi- ness under a new form of organization wholly in- tegrated, autonomous, and distinguished from the M1 In its brief the Employer has also urged that employees of the warehouse section of the logistics department and the operators and chief roving operators of the operations department be included in the proposed unit due to their close working relationship and identity with the main- tenance employees ' Prior to the award of the consolidated contract by NASA to LTV, the termination date of the collective-bargaining contract between DFF and IAM was November 30, 1969 "The IAM has taken the position that its negotiations with the Employer prior to the filing of the instant petitions resulted in a bona fide collective- bargaining agreement sufficient to constitute a bar to the petitions in spite of the fact that the agreement was never formalized LTV AEROSPACE CORPORATION 203 organizations of its predecessors as to justify the establishment and appropriateness of the proposed new unit, the implementation of which to some ex- tent has already been carried out. Nonunit profes- sional and technical employees from Lockheed as well as Graham have purportedly been integrated on a functional if not entirely on a physical basis. Similarly, unit maintenance employees are to be functionally and geographically integrated into the Employer's new organizational scheme in the next few months. Certain standardizing programs have already or will be implemented for all LTV em- ployees. The Employer had indicated that it will, among other things, _ establish new job classifica- tions, centralized payroll, personnel, and purchas- ing systems, a new safety and training as well as a quality control program, and that it will furnish all hourly rated employees with standardized uniforms. On the other hand, the Employer admits, in sug- gesting that perhaps it is a successor to the Graham contract and that the former DFF employees are an accretion to the former Graham unit, that its proposed new organizational setup is essentially the same form of organization used by Graham with the exception of one new department, namely the maintenance shop department. Furthermore, the Employer admits that no substantial changes have been made or are contemplated in reference to the maintenance employees formerly employed by Graham, and the evidence introduced indicates that the largest segment of the former DFF employees will in fact, upon the completion of the reorganiza- tion, be employed in this new maintenance shop de- partment. Only five former DFF employees have been given added or changed assignments under the implementation of this new organization; one truckdriver , two mechanics , and two painters. The remainder of the former DFF employees are still geographically located offsite and their actual du- ties have not as yet been changed.' On the basis of the foregoing , we believe there is insufficient, evidence to support the conclusion that the Employer 's reorganization of its operations has destroyed the appropriateness of the certified units for purposes of collective bargaining. Thus, as to the former Graham employees , the Employer in ef- fect concedes that the reorganization will have little or no effect on their functions and duties or on the administrative arrangements under which they per- form such functions . As to the former DFF em- ployees , the largest group of them will be employed in a separate administrative department , and there is nothing to indicate that their functions and duties will be greatly altered . Moreover , we do not believe that the proposed merger or amalgamation of so many different bargaining units represented by so many different unions , none of which claims to represent all the employees involved, is a matter that may appropriately take place without an elec- tion . Accordingly, we find that the request for clarification is without merit , and we shall dismiss the petition in 23-UC-25. ORDER It is hereby ordered that the petitions in Cases 23-RM-198 and 23-UC-25 be, and they hereby are, dismissed. " The Employer's witnesses have stated that the DFF employees will not be moved on site nor merged into the proposed new organizational scheme until such time as the Board resolves the matters presented by the instant petitions Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation