Andreas Blomqvist et al.Download PDFPatent Trials and Appeals BoardAug 20, 201913366106 - (D) (P.T.A.B. Aug. 20, 2019) Copy Citation UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE United States Patent and Trademark Office Address: COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS P.O. Box 1450 Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450 APPLICATION NO. FILING DATE FIRST NAMED INVENTOR ATTORNEY DOCKET NO. CONFIRMATION NO. 13/366,106 02/03/2012 Andreas Blomqvist A12P1012 1035 36802 7590 08/20/2019 PACESETTER, INC. 15900 VALLEY VIEW COURT SYLMAR, CA 91392-9221 EXAMINER WEARE, MEREDITH H ART UNIT PAPER NUMBER 3791 NOTIFICATION DATE DELIVERY MODE 08/20/2019 ELECTRONIC Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding. The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication. Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above-indicated "Notification Date" to the following e-mail address(es): PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07) UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE __________ BEFORE THE PATENT TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD __________ Ex parte ANDREAS BLOMQVIST and MICHAEL E. BENSER1 __________ Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 Technology Center 3700 __________ Before ERIC B. GRIMES, JOHN E. SCHNEIDER, and TIMOTHY G. MAJORS, Administrative Patent Judges. GRIMES, Administrative Patent Judge. DECISION ON APPEAL This is an Appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134 involving claims to a method and apparatus for detecting atrial fibrillation, which have been rejected as being directed to patent-ineligible subject matter and as obvious. We have jurisdiction under 35 U.S.C. § 6(b). We affirm the rejections for obviousness. 1 Appellants identify the real party in interest as Pacesetter, Inc., dba St. Jude Medical Crmd. Br. 5. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 2 STATEMENT OF THE CASE “A significant risk factor for thrombotic stroke is atrial fibrillation (AF). . . . Accordingly, it is desirable to detect AF in a patient before the patient suffers a stroke.” Spec. ¶ 3. “The disclosure relates in some aspects to detecting AF based on pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) monitoring. . . . [D]etection of AF is based on identifying cycle-to-cycle variations of one or more parameters derived from the PAP data.” Id. ¶ 6. Various morphological characteristics of a PAP signal may be used individually or in combination to detect or confirm AF. Many of these characteristics are related to the temporal cycle-to-cycle stability of various measures, including peak-to- peak amplitude (Pmax – Pmin over the course of each cardiac cycle), morphological consistency (correlation of the PAP signal over each cardiac cycle to the prior cardiac cycle or a running average or some established template), systolic phase-to-systolic phase timing, as well as rate changes as assessed from the PAP signal. Id. ¶ 7. “Regarding frequency parameters, irregularities in the ventricular cycles will lead to changes in the frequency spectra for those cycles. For example, a shorter cardiac cycle may result in a wider frequency spectrum than other PAP cycles.” Id. ¶ 51. “Baseline PAP cycle frequency information may be defined in various ways (e.g., in a similar manner as . . . for the baseline PAP cycle.” Id. ¶ 52. Claims 1–23 are on appeal. Claims 1 and 21–23 are illustrative and read as follows: 1. An apparatus for detecting atrial fibrillation, comprising: an implantable sensor device implantable proximate to a pulmonary artery, the sensor device including a sensor circuit Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 3 configured to measure pulmonary artery pressure to generate pulmonary artery pressure data; a processing circuit configured to: process the pulmonary artery pressure data to determine pulmonary artery pressure parameters of a first type corresponding to a plurality of cardiac cycles, determine a stability parameter indicative of variation of the pulmonary artery pressure parameters of the first type over the cardiac cycles, wherein the stability parameter represents at least one of an amplitude-based stability parameter, a morphology-based stability parameter or a frequency-based stability parameter, compare the stability parameter to a threshold, and generate an indication of atrial fibrillation based on the comparison. 21. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the stability parameter represents an amplitude-based parameter. 22. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the stability parameter represents a morphology-based parameter. 23. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the stability parameter represents a frequency-based parameter. Claims 15 and 19 are also independent. Claim 15 is similar to claim 1 but requires the processing circuit to “process the pulmonary artery pressure data to determine a plurality of different types of pulmonary artery pressure parameters.” Claim 19 is directed to a method, rather than an apparatus, but otherwise tracks the limitations of claim 1. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 4 The claims stand rejected as follows: Claims 1–23 under 35 U.S.C. § 101 as being directed to patent- ineligible subject matter (Final Action2 2); Claims 1–3, 7, 9, 11–15, and 19–21 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious based on Stahmann ’221,3 Wiesel,4 and Moran5 (Final Action 5); Claims 1–3, 7, 9, 11–15, 19, 20, and 22 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Galen6 (Final Action 10); Claims 1–3, 7, 9, 11–15, 19, 20, and 23 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Chang7 (Final Action 16); Claims 4–6 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, Moran (or Galen or Chang), and Stegemann8 (Final Action 21); Claim 8 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, Moran (or Galen or Chang), and Muessig9 (Final Action 24); Claim 10 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, Moran (or Galen or Chang), and Stahmann ’07510 (Final Action 25); and 2 Office Action mailed August 25, 2016. 3 Stahmann, US 2007/0088221 A1, Apr. 19, 2007. 4 Wiesel, US 2006/0195037 A1, Aug. 31, 2006. 5 JOHN F. MORAN, in CLINICAL METHODS: THE HISTORY, PHYSICAL, AND LABORATORY EXAMINATIONS 98–100 (H.K. Walker et al. eds., 3rd ed. 1990). 6 Galen et al., US 2012/0310100 A1, Dec. 6, 2012. 7 Chang, US 2008/0108906 A1, May 8, 2008. 8 Stegemann et al., US 2006/0247702 A1, Nov. 2, 2006. 9 Muessig et al., US 2007/0265667 A1, Nov. 15, 2007. 10 Stahmann et al., US 2011/0004075 A1, Jan. 6, 2011. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 5 Claims 16–18 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, Moran (or Galen or Chang), and Ghanem11 (Final Action 26). I The Examiner has rejected all of the claims on appeal on the basis that “the claimed invention is directed to a judicial exception (i.e., a law of nature, a natural phenomenon, or an abstract idea) without significantly more.” Final Action 2. The Examiner finds that the claims “recite comparing new, measured PAP parameter variation/stability to predefined, stored thresholds to identify presence or absence of atrial fibrillation, and are therefore . . . abstract.” Id. at 3. The Examiner also finds that “[t]he additional elements of the claims recite determining stability of the parameters at a high level of generality which encompasses any stability/variation metric . . . and a generic computer structure for identifying the abstract/natural relationship.” Id. The Examiner concludes that “the claims do not include additional elements that are sufficient to amount to significantly more than the judicial exception,” and are ineligible for patenting. Id. at 4. Appellants argue, among other things, that “claim 1 is not directed to a law of nature, natural phenomenon, or abstract idea.” Br. 15. More specifically, Appellants argue that “claim 1 includes a combination of elements/operations that clearly integrate ‘variation in pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) parameters’ into claimed inventions that ‘practically apply the principles’ and ensure that the claims ‘amount to significantly more than the natural principle itself.’” Id. 11 Ghanem et al., US 2011/0137193 A1, June 9, 2011. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 6 We agree with Appellants that the Examiner has not shown that the claimed apparatus and method are ineligible for patenting. An invention is patent-eligible if it claims a “new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter.” 35 U.S.C. § 101. However, the Supreme Court has concluded that “[l]aws of nature, natural phenomena, and abstract ideas” are not patentable under 35 U.S.C. § 101. See, e.g., Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Int’l, 573 U.S. 208, 216 (2014). To determine if a claim falls into an excluded category, we apply a two-step framework, described in Mayo and Alice. Id. at 217–18 (citing Mayo Collaborative Servs. v. Prometheus Labs., Inc., 566 U.S. 66, 75–77 (2012)). We first determine what the claim is “directed to.” See Alice, 573 U.S. at 219 (“On their face, the claims before us are drawn to the concept of intermediated settlement, i.e., the use of a third party to mitigate settlement risk.”); see also Bilski v. Kappos, 561 U.S. 593, 611 (2010) (“Claims 1 and 4 in petitioners’ application explain the basic concept of hedging.”). Patent-ineligible abstract ideas include certain methods of organizing human activity, such as fundamental economic practices (Alice, 573 U.S. at 219–20; Bilski, 561 U.S. at 611), mathematical formulas (Parker v. Flook, 437 U.S. 584, 594–95 (1978)), and mental processes (Gottschalk v. Benson, 409 U.S. 63, 69 (1972)). In contrast, patent-eligible inventions include physical and chemical processes, such as “molding rubber products” (Diamond v. Diehr, 450 U.S. 175, 191 (1981)); “tanning, dyeing, making water-proof cloth, vulcanizing India rubber, smelting ores” (id. at 183 n.7 (quoting Corning v. Burden, 56 U.S. 252, 267–68 (1853))); and manufacturing flour (Benson, 409 U.S. at 69 (citing Cochrane v. Deener, 94 U.S. 780, 785 (1876))). Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 7 In Diehr, the claimed method employed a mathematical formula, but the Supreme Court held that “[a] claim drawn to subject matter otherwise statutory does not become nonstatutory simply because it uses a mathematical formula.” Diehr, 450 U.S. at 176; see also id. at 192 (“We view respondents’ claims as nothing more than a process for molding rubber products and not as an attempt to patent a mathematical formula.”). The Supreme Court noted, however, that a claim “seeking patent protection for that formula in the abstract . . . is not accorded the protection of our patent laws, . . . and this principle cannot be circumvented by attempting to limit the use of the formula to a particular technological environment.” Id. (citing Benson and Flook); see, e.g., id. at 187 (“It is now commonplace that an application of a law of nature or mathematical formula to a known structure or process may well be deserving of patent protection.”). If the claim is “directed to” an abstract idea, we turn to the second step of the Alice and Mayo framework, and “examine the elements of the claim to determine whether it contains an ‘inventive concept’ sufficient to ‘transform’ the claimed abstract idea into a patent-eligible application.” Alice, 573 U.S. at 221 (quotation marks omitted). “A claim that recites an abstract idea must include ‘additional features’ to ensure ‘that the [claim] is more than a drafting effort designed to monopolize the [abstract idea].’” Id. (quoting Mayo, 566 U.S. at 77 (alterations in original)). “[M]erely requir[ing] generic computer implementation[] fail[s] to transform that abstract idea into a patent-eligible invention.” Id. The PTO recently published revised guidance on the application of § 101. USPTO, 2019 Revised Patent Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance, 84 Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 8 Fed. Reg. 50 (Jan. 7, 2019) (“Revised Guidance”). Under that guidance, we first determine whether the claim recites: (1) any judicial exceptions, including certain groupings of abstract ideas (i.e., mathematical concepts; certain methods of organizing human activity such as a fundamental economic practice; or mental processes); and (2) additional elements that integrate the judicial exception into a practical application (see MPEP §§ 2106.05(a)–(c), (e)–(h)). See 84 Fed. Reg. at 54–55. Only if a claim (1) recites a judicial exception and (2) does not integrate that exception into a practical application, do we then determine whether the claim: (3) adds a specific limitation beyond the judicial exception that is not a “well-understood, routine, conventional activity” in the field (see MPEP § 2106.05(d)); or (4) simply appends well-understood, routine, conventional activities previously known to the industry, specified at a high level of generality, to the judicial exception. See 84 Fed. Reg. at 56. Revised Guidance Step 2(A), Prong 1 Following the Revised Guidance, we first consider whether the claims recite a judicial exception. Claim 1 recites the processing steps of (a) “compar[ing] the stability parameter to a threshold,” and (b) “generat[ing] an indication of atrial fibrillation based on the comparison.” Claim 1. The Revised Guidance identifies “mental processes—concepts performed in the human mind (including an observation, evaluation, judgment, opinion)”—as abstract ideas. 84 Fed. Reg. at 52 (footnote Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 9 omitted); see also Mayo, 566 U.S. at 71 (“[M]ental processes[] and abstract intellectual concepts are not patentable, as they are the basic tools of scientific and technological work.”). Here, the “compare” and “generate” steps of claim 1 can be carried out by simply observing the value of the determined stability parameter relative to a predetermined value (“compar[ing]” one value to another) and evaluating whether the result of the comparison indicates atrial fibrillation (“generat[ing] an indication of atrial fibrillation”). These steps can be carried out mentally, and therefore claim 1 recites an abstract idea. Revised Guidance Step 2(A), Prong 2 Although claim 1 recites an abstract idea, it is still patent-eligible if “the claim as a whole integrates the recited judicial exception into a practical application of the exception”; i.e., whether the claim “appl[ies], rel[ies] on, or use[s] the judicial exception in a manner that imposes a meaningful limit on the judicial exception.” 84 Fed. Reg. at 54. This analysis includes “[i]dentifying whether there are any additional elements recited in the claim beyond the judicial exception(s)” and “evaluating those additional elements individually and in combination to determine whether they integrate the exception into a practical application.” Id. at 54–55. An additional element that uses a judicial exception in conjunction with a particular machine that is integral to the invention may indicate that a judicial exception is integrated into a practical application. Id. at 55. Here, claim 1 uses the recited mental steps—“compar[ing] the stability parameter to a threshold” and “generat[ing] an indication of atrial fibrillation based on the comparison”—in conjunction with a particular machine; specifically, “an implantable sensor device implantable proximate to a Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 10 pulmonary artery, the sensor device including a sensor circuit configured to measure pulmonary artery pressure.” The implantable sensor is integral to the claim because it is expressly recited as being used to generate the pulmonary artery pressure data that are used in the processing steps of the claimed method. The implantable sensor is therefore a particular machine that is integral to the invention. In summary, we conclude that, even though claim 1 recites an abstract idea, as a whole it integrates that idea into a practical application. The same analysis applies to the apparatus of independent claim 15 and the method of independent claim 19. Therefore, the claimed method, as a whole, is not “directed to . . . [a] patent-ineligible concept.” Alice, 573 U.S. at 217. We reverse the rejection of claims 1, 15, and 19, and dependent claims 2–14, 16– 18, and 20–23, under 35 U.S.C. § 101. II The Examiner has rejected claims 1–3, 7, 9, 11–15, and 19–21 as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Moran. The Examiner finds that Stahmann ’221 discloses an implantable pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) sensor and a processing circuit configured to process PAP data to determine PAP parameters (different types of signals) for diagnostic purposes. Final Action 5. The Examiner also finds that Stahmann ’221 discloses generating an indication of atrial fibrillation (AF) based on the processed PAP data, because it discloses that the data can be used to control a therapy delivery device to administer cardioversion/defibrillation therapy: “[S]ince defibrillation therapy is provided in response to the data, it is understood an indication of fibrillation is inherently generated prior to administration of such therapy.” Id. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 11 The Examiner finds that Stahmann ’221 does not disclose determining a stability parameter over a number of cardiac cycles, comparing the stability parameter to a threshold, and generating an indication of AF based on the comparison. Id. at 6. The Examiner finds, however, that Wiesel discloses using arterial pressure to determine cycle-to-cycle timing of pulse beats, determining a stability parameter based on irregularity of the pulse beat intervals, and comparing that parameter to a threshold. Id. The Examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to modify the method and apparatus of Stahmann ’221 with a processing circuit configured to determine a stability parameter of arterial (e.g., pulmonary) pressure data, such as cycle-to-cycle timing, and generating an indication of atrial fibrillation based on a comparison of the stability parameter to a threshold as taught/suggested by Wiesel . . . in order to provide an alternative/additional indicator on which to base generation of therapy (Stahmann ’221, ¶ [0072]), thereby reducing complications associated with atrial fibrillation such as formation of blood clots, stroke, etc. (Wiesel, ¶ [0009]). Id. at 6–7. The Examiner finds that Moran discloses that, “during atrial fibrillation, both an irregularly irregular pressure pulse rate . . . and a variable pressure pulse amplitude . . . are observed.” Id. at 7. The Examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to further modify the method and apparatus of Stahmann ’221 to determine “an amplitude-based stability parameter as taught and/or suggested by Moran,” in addition to the timing parameter disclosed by Wiesel, “in order to account for additional arterial (e.g., pulmonary) pressure parameters known to be indicative of atrial fibrillation, thereby providing a more accurate/comprehensive assessment of the condition on which to, e.g., base the initiation of therapy.” Id. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 12 We agree with the Examiner that the apparatus of claim 1 would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art based on the cited references. Stahmann ’221 discloses “[a]n implantable medical device [that] processes a sensed pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) signal to isolate a plurality of signals from the PAP signal for diagnostic, monitoring, and/or therapeutic uses.” Stahmann ’221 ¶ 4. “In one embodiment, an implantable pressure sensor is placed in the pulmonary artery to sense the PAP signal.” Id. “[A] sensor signal processing system . . . receives and processes the PAP signal sensed by implantable PAP sensor 110. The sensor signal processing system includes a PAP signal processor 120 that isolates a plurality of signals of substantially different types from the PAP signal for diagnostic, monitoring, and/or therapy-control uses.” Id. ¶ 42. In one embodiment, “implantable PAP sensor 110 and implantable medical device 112 are implanted in a body 102 that has a pulmonary artery 103 connected to a heart 101.” Id. Implantable medical device 112 can include a “[t]herapy delivery device 1170 [that] delivers one or more therapies such as pacing therapy, cardioversion/defibrillation therapy,” etc. Id. ¶ 72. We agree with the Examiner that a skilled artisan would reasonably understand that delivering defibrillation therapy would include first generating an indication of atrial fibrillation showing the need for such therapy. Stahmann ’221 states that “[c]ontroller 1172 controls the delivery of the one or more therapies using at least one signal of the plurality of signals provided by PAP signal processor by isolation from the PAP signal received from implantable PAP sensor 110.” Id. The signals isolated from the PAP Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 13 signal by the PAP signal processor include various signal components. Id. ¶ 39. The “cardiac, respiratory, . . . signals are each isolated for direct and/or indirect diagnostic[,] monitoring, and/or therapy-control uses. For example, the one or more cardiac signals are indicative of cardiac performance parameters such as stroke volume as well as heart failure (HF) decompensation.” Id. ¶ 60. Stahmann ’221 does not describe determining a PAP stability parameter over multiple cardiac cycles. However, Wiesel discloses “[d]etermin[ing] the presence of atrial fibrillation by (i) detecting the pulse beat intervals over a short time period to determine whether the intervals form a random, irregular pattern; (ii) determining whether this pulse beat pattern indicates possible atrial fibrillation and then; (iii) communicating this information to the user.” Wiesel ¶ 31. “One embodiment of the invention uses pulse beats that are detected using an inflatable cuff device. The inflatable cuff device may be a known apparatus used to measure blood pressure.” Id. ¶ 50. We agree with the Examiner that, based on the disclosures described above, it would have been obvious to modify the apparatus of Stahmann ’221 to include isolating a signal for pulse beat intervals (over multiple cardiac cycles) from its implantable PAP sensor. The references provide a reason to do so, because Wiesel discloses that an irregular pulse beat interval can indicate atrial fibrillation, and Stahmann ’221 discloses delivering defibrillation therapy based on signals from its implantable PAP sensor. Neither Stahmann ’221 nor Wiesel describe determining an amplitude- based stability parameter based on PAP data. However, Moran discloses that “[a]trial fibrillation causes an irregularly, irregular pulse. Not only will the Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 14 rate of the pulse be irregular, but the pulse amplitude will also vary.” Moran 100, paragraph bridging the columns. Moran also teaches that pulse is related to blood pressure: “The peak of th[e] arterial pulse is the systolic blood pressure.” Id. at 98, left col. Thus, it would have been obvious to modify the apparatus suggested by Stahmann ’221 and Wiesel to include monitoring a signal for pulse amplitude from the implantable PAP sensor of Stahmann ’221, because Moran discloses that irregular pulse (i.e., blood pressure) amplitude is caused by atrial fibrillation, and Stahmann ’221 discloses delivering defibrillation therapy based on signals from its implantable PAP sensor. We agree with the Examiner’s reasoning (Final Action 7) that a skilled artisan would expect that using both timing stability and amplitude stability to diagnose atrial fibrillation would be more accurate and reliable than using either parameter alone. Appellants argue that “Stahmann [’221] describes an implantable medical device that collects one type of physiologic data (i.e., pulmonary artery pressure signals or PAP signals) from a sensor in a pulmonary artery.” Br. 35. “Wiesel describes an external device that collects a different type of physiologic data (i.e., blood pressure in an arm or other extremity). . . . Moran describes general principles of arterial blood flow and discusses an even further different type of physiologic data (i.e., aortic pressure).” Id. Appellants argue that [g]iven the differences, between Stahmann [’221], Wiesel and Moran, in the types of physiologic data and the differences in the parameter characteristics, it cannot legitimately be maintained that the person of ordinary skill would pick and choose varied combinations of parameter characteristics and physiologic data types from the prior art. Id. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 15 This argument is unpersuasive. As the Examiner found (Ans. 7), Stahmann ’221 discloses administering defibrillation therapy based on signals from an implanted PAP sensor, but does not disclose what parameter(s) in the data are used to indicate a need for defibrillation therapy. Wiesel and Moran disclose blood pressure parameters that are indicative of atrial fibrillation (irregular beat intervals and irregular amplitude), and therefore it would have been obvious to use the parameters disclosed by Wiesel and Moran in the system of Stahmann ’221 to generate an indication of atrial fibrillation (and a need for defibrillation therapy). Appellants argue that “Stahmann [’221] locates the PAP sensor 110 in the interior wall of the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary blood pressure differs from the aortic blood pressure which differs from the blood pressure in the arms and legs.” Br. 36. “Moran concerns aortic pressure pulses which are a type of physiologic data that differs from the pulmonary artery pressure data collected by Stahmann [’221]. . . . Moran does not discuss any parameter characteristics or information that may be derived from pulmonary artery pressure data, as measured by Stahmann [’221].” Id. at 38–39. “Wiesel’s device monitors and analyzes physiologic data that is separate and distinct from the physiologic data analyzed by Stahmann [’221] and Moran.” Id. at 39. Appellants argue that “[a]rterial pressure data is not the same as pulmonary artery pressure data.” Id. at 40. “The person of ordinary skill would further understand that variation in an arterial pressure signal (e.g. changes in pulse shape, pulse duration, pulse amplitude, etc.) does not dictate that the same variation with necessarily occur in pulmonary artery pressure signals.” Id. at 43. Similarly, Appellants argue that Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 16 Moran explains a “cause – effect” relation between atrial fibrillation (representing the cause) and changes in arterial pressure pulses (representing the effect). This “cause – effect” relation between atrial fibrillation (the cause) and arterial pressure pulses (the effect), does not mean that the reverse is true as an “effect – cause” relation between pulmonary artery pressure pulses (representing the effect) and atrial fibrillation (representing the cause). Specifically, Moran . . . concerns how atrial fibrillation causes an aortic pressure signal to change. The person of ordinary skill would understand that Moran[] . . . does not teach or suggest an “effect – cause” relation between changes in another type of physiologic signal (PAP signal) and atrial fibrillation. Id. With specific reference to claim 21, Appellants argue that, [g]iven that the lungs and left ventricle are positioned between the pulmonary artery and the aorta, one of ordinary skill would recognize that the signals collected downstream from the aorta would exhibit amplitude changes based on factors (e.g. behavior of the left ventricle and downstream vascular system) that differ from the factors that affect the amplitude of a pulmonary arterial pressure signal. Id. at 62–63. These arguments are unpersuasive. As we understand it, Appellants’ position is that, although Wiesel and Moran teach that atrial fibrillation (AF) causes certain characteristic changes in arterial blood pressure, a skilled artisan would not have found it obvious to monitor pulmonary artery pressure for the same characteristic changes, because arterial blood pressure and pulmonary artery blood pressure are different types of data, and are obtained from different parts of the vascular system. However, we agree with the Examiner’s reasoning that “[w]hile . . . absolute pressure values vary throughout the arterial vasculature, the stability parameters taught or suggested by the prior art of record are indicative of Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 17 relative variation within an arterial pressure signal obtained from a particular location.” Ans. 8. That is, the vascular system is a closed system filled with blood, so that the pressure changes caused by a heartbeat are propagated through the entire system: “The contraction of the left ventricle ejects blood from the heart into the aorta and the resulting pressure wave is detected as a pulse in the arterial system.” Wiesel ¶ 10. Thus, it is reasonable to expect that irregularities in timing or amplitude, which are described by Wiesel and Moran as indicative of AF, would be detectable in different parts of the vascular system as relative differences in blood pressure, even if the absolute differences (between a normal heart rhythm and fibrillation) were not the same in all places. This expectation is supported by Wiesel, which teaches that pulse beats can be monitored in a variety of ways, in a variety of locations, in order to detect the irregularity that is diagnostic of AF. See Wiesel ¶ 30 (“Pulse beats may be monitored by use of an inflatable cuff wrapped around a person’s appendage, such as an arm.”), ¶ 36 (“Pulse beats may also be monitored through changes in light transmitted through various body appendages.”), ¶ 37 (“Pulse beats may be monitored using other plethysmographic devices, ultrasound devices which measure arterial motion with each pulse beat, ultrasound doppler devices which detect blood flow within an artery or devices that rely on localized compression of the artery to detect the presence of a pulse beat.”). Wiesel thus provides evidence that the same blood pressure-related parameter can be effectively monitored in different parts of the vascular system. In summary, the evidence supports the Examiner’s position that a skilled artisan would have considered it obvious to monitor the types of blood Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 18 pressure parameters disclosed by Wiesel and Moran using the PAP sensor system of Stahmann ’221 in order to detect atrial fibrillation. Appellants argue that there is no indication in the prior art that the blood pressure cuff of Wiesel could obtain sufficiently detailed information regarding blood pressure to calculate an irregularity index based on information other than beat to beat timing intervals. For example, it would not be practical to attempt to utilize morphology or amplitude information for blood pressure signals as both types of information would be highly susceptible to placement of the blood pressure cuff. Br. 41. This argument is unpersuasive, because the rejection is based on using the PAP sensor system of Stahmann ’221 to monitor beat-to-beat timing, based on Wiesel’s disclosure that timing can be used to diagnose AF, rather than using Wiesel’s blood pressure cuff to monitor pulse morphology or amplitude. Appellants argue that “Wiesel does not teach or suggest to delivery therapy based on any physiologic signal, or any parameter characteristic. Wiesel does not delivery any type of therapy.” Br. 41. However, (a) the rejection is based on Stahmann ’221, Moran, and Wiesel, not Wiesel alone, and (b) Wiesel discloses the need “to detect the possible presence of atrial fibrillation and communicate this condition to the user so that the user is alerted to consult a medical practitioner for further testing and/or treatment.” Wiesel ¶ 23 (emphasis added). Thus, Wiesel does suggest administering defibrillation therapy upon detection of atrial fibrillation. We affirm the rejection of claims 1 and 21 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Moran. Claims 7, 9, 11–15, and 19 Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 19 were not argued separately and therefore fall with claim 1. 37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(iv). III The Examiner has rejected 1–3, 7, 9, 11–15, 19, 20, and 22 as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Galen. The Examiner relies on Stahmann ’221 and Wiesel for the same teachings discussed above with respect to the rejection based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Moran. The Examiner finds that Galen discloses “process[ing] data indicative/ representative of [blood] pressure . . . to determine parameters comprising cycle-to-cycle timing parameters . . . and per-cycle morphology parameters . . . and generate an indication of atrial fibrillation based on stability/variation (change) of the determined parameters.” Final Action 12–13. The Examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to modify the method and apparatus of Stahmann ’221 to determine “a morphology-based stability parameter as taught and/or suggested by Galen,” in addition to the timing parameter disclosed by Wiesel, “in order to account for additional arterial (e.g., pulmonary) pressure parameters known to be indicative of atrial fibrillation, thereby providing a more accurate/comprehensive assessment of the condition on which to, e.g., base the initiation of therapy.” Id. at 13. We agree with the Examiner that claim 1 would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art based on the cited references. Galen discloses that current pulse oximeters are unable to diagnose atrial fibrillation. Galen ¶ 2. Galen states that an oximeter is typically placed on a patient’s fingertip and senses absorption of light passing through the blood- perfused tissue. Id. ¶ 21. “A signal representing light intensity versus time or Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 20 a mathematical manipulation of this signal . . . may be referred to as the photoplethysmograph (PPG) signal.” Id. Galen discloses identifying heartbeat irregularities from a transformation of a PPG signal. Id. ¶ 1. Galen’s Figure 5 is reproduced below: “FIG. 5 shows PPG signal 500 that may be analyzed in accordance with [Galen’s] disclosure.” Id. ¶ 67. “PPG signal 500 is an oscillating signal having pulses such as pulses 502. Each pulse of PPG signal 500 may correspond to a cardiac cycle. PPG signal 500 has AC component 504, which oscillates around baseline 540.” Id. “The size of AC component 504 may correspond to the change in blood pressure at the sensor location (e.g., the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure in the arteries).” Id. ¶ 70. “Atrial fibrillation is characterized by erratic heart QRS intervals and manifests itself in [a] PPG signal . . . as erratically varying amplitudes and periods of the pulses.” Id. ¶ 93. “The signal processing system may use various metrics to detect atrial fibrillation from [a] PPG signal. . . . In some Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 21 embodiments, the signal processing system may characterize the amplitude, timing, period, morphology, or any combination thereof of a pulse, pulses, or absence thereof of [a] PPG signal.” Id. (emphasis added). Thus, Galen suggests that atrial fibrillation can be detected based on the morphology of a pulse, and discloses that AC component 504 corresponds to a change in blood pressure. The AC component affects the morphology of a pulse (e.g., pulse 502 in Galen’s Figure 5). In view of these teachings, it would have been obvious to modify the apparatus suggested by Stahmann ’221 and Wiesel to include monitoring a signal for pulse morphology from the implantable PAP sensor of Stahmann ’221, because Galen discloses that atrial fibrillation can be detected based on pulse (i.e., blood pressure) morphology, and Stahmann ’221 discloses delivering defibrillation therapy based on signals from its implantable PAP sensor. Galen expressly suggests monitoring a combination of pulse characteristics to detect atrial fibrillation, and we also agree with the Examiner (Final Action 13) that using both timing stability and morphology stability to diagnose atrial fibrillation would be expected to be more accurate and reliable than using either parameter alone. Appellants “reiterate the arguments set forth above regarding the deficiencies of Stahmann [’221] and Wiesel.” Br. 46. Those arguments are unpersuasive for the reasons discussed above with respect to the rejection based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Moran. Appellants also argue that “Galen bases operation on yet another type of physiologic data, namely photoplesmography [sic] (PPG) signals.” Br. 49. “Galen analyzes a different type of physiologic data and bases the analysis on a different parameter characteristic of the physiologic data, as compared to Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 22 Stahmann [’221] and Wiesel. During atrial fibrillation, PPG signals exhibit different behavior and traits as compared to pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) signals.” Id. Similarly, Appellants argue that “[p]ulse oximetry is not the same as pulmonary artery pressure. The shape and behavior of pulse oximetry signals are not the same as, and are not coextensive with, the shape and behavior of pulmonary artery pressure.” Id. at 50. Appellants argue that a skilled artisan would understand that “variation in a pulse oximetry signal (e.g. changes in pulse shape, pulse duration, pulse amplitude, etc.) does not dictate that the same variation will necessarily occur in pulmonary artery pressure signals.” Id. Appellants argue that Galen explains a “cause – effect” relation between atrial fibrillation (representing the cause) and changes in pulse oximetry pulses (representing the effect). This “cause – effect” relation between atrial fibrillation (the cause) and arterial pressure pulses (the effect), does not mean that the reverse is true as an “effect – cause” relation between pulmonary artery pressure pulses (representing the effect) and atrial fibrillation (representing the cause). Id. Appellants argue that “[t]he general statements of Galen regarding a result of atrial fibrillation does not afford any meaningful basis to replace Stahmann’s particular analysis or Wiesel’s particular analysis with a new hypothetical analysis.” Id. at 51. With specific reference to claim 22, Appellants argue that “[o]ne of ordinary skill would recognize that the signals collected by Galen’s pulse oximeter would exhibit morphology changes based on factors that differ from the factors that affect the morphology of a pulmonary arterial pressure signal.” Id. at 63. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 23 These arguments are unpersuasive because, as discussed above, the evidence provided by the cited references supports the Examiner’s position that “[w]hile . . . absolute pressure values vary throughout the arterial vasculature, the stability parameters taught or suggested by the prior art of record are indicative of relative variation within an arterial pressure signal obtained from a particular location.” Ans. 8. Both Galen and Wiesel disclose that a pulse oximeter can be used to monitor changes in blood pressure. See Galen ¶ 70 (blood pressure changes AC component of PPG signal); Wiesel ¶ 10 (ejection of blood from the heart causes a pressure wave that is detected as a pulse), ¶ 36 (pulse beats can be monitored by light transmitted through a body appendage). And Galen discloses that changes in pulse morphology, from a PPG signal, can be used to detect atrial fibrillation. Galen ¶ 93. Thus, a skilled artisan would have considered it obvious to modify the PAP sensor system of Stahmann ’221 to monitor a morphology-based stability parameter in order to detect atrial fibrillation. We affirm the rejection of claims 1 and 22 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Galen. Claims 7, 9, 11–15, and 19 were not argued separately and therefore fall with claim 1. 37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(iv). IV The Examiner has rejected claims 1–3, 7, 9, 11–15, 19, 20, and 23 as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Chang. The Examiner relies on Stahmann ’221 and Wiesel for the same teachings discussed above with respect to the rejection based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Moran. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 24 The Examiner finds that Chang discloses that, “during atrial fibrillation, a plurality of characteristic frequencies are observed within a frequency spectrum.” Final Action 18. The Examiner concludes that it would have been obvious to modify the method and apparatus of Stahmann ’221 to determine “a frequency-based stability parameter as taught/suggested by Chang,” in addition to the timing parameter disclosed by Wiesel, “in order to account for additional arterial (e.g., pulmonary) pressure parameters known to be indicative of atrial fibrillation, thereby providing a more accurate and/or comprehensive assessment of the condition on which to, e.g., base the initiation of therapy.” Id. at 18–19. We agree with the Examiner that claim 1 would have been obvious to a person of ordinary skill in the art based on the cited references. Chang discloses a method of “analyzing the heart rhythm by utilizing a frequency spectrum calculated by evaluating the electrical heartbeat signals on the basis of a Fourier transformation.” Chang ¶ 2. One embodiment includes measuring a plurality of electrical heartbeat signals; evaluating the electrical heartbeat signals on the basis of a Fourier transformation to calculate a frequency spectrum of the electrical heartbeat signals; and counting a number of a characteristic frequency within a frequency range of the frequency spectrum to judge whether the heart rhythm is under a condition of arrhythmia. Id. ¶ 11. Thus, it would have been obvious to modify the apparatus suggested by Stahmann ’221 and Wiesel to include monitoring a signal for pulse frequency from the implantable PAP sensor of Stahmann ’221, because (a) Chang discloses that arrhythmia can be detected based on heartbeat frequency, (b) “[a]trial fibrillation is one of the most common arrhythmias Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 25 requiring medical attention” (Wiesel ¶ 8), and (c) Stahmann ’221 discloses delivering defibrillation therapy based on signals from its implantable PAP sensor. We also agree with the Examiner (Final Action 13) that using both timing stability and morphology stability to diagnose atrial fibrillation would be expected to be more accurate and reliable than using either parameter alone. Appellants “reiterate the arguments set forth above regarding the deficiencies of Stahmann [’221] and Wiesel.” Br. 54. Those arguments are unpersuasive for the reasons discussed above with respect to the rejection based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Moran. Appellants argue that Chang discusses a different type of physiologic data, namely electrical heart beat signals, and does not discuss pulmonary artery pressure. Electrical heart beat signals are not the same as pulmonary artery pressure. The shape and behavior of electrical heart beat signals are not the same as, and are not coextensive with, the shape and behavior of pulmonary artery pressure. Br. 57. Appellants argue that a skilled artisan would understand that “variation in an electrical heart beat signal (e.g. changes in signal shape, duration, amplitude, etc.) does not dictate that the same variation will necessarily occur in pulmonary artery pressure signals.” Id. “Chang does not discuss ANY ‘cause – effect’ relation between atrial fibrillation (representing the cause) and changes in electrical heart beat signals (representing the effect).” Id. With specific reference to claim 23, Appellants argue that “[o]ne of ordinary skill would recognize that the signals collected by patient monitor would exhibit frequency changes based on factors that differ from the factors that affect the frequency of a pulmonary [sic].” Id. at 63. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 26 These arguments are unpersuasive because, as discussed above, the evidence provided by the cited references supports the Examiner’s position that “[w]hile . . . absolute pressure values vary throughout the arterial vasculature, the stability parameters taught or suggested by the prior art of record are indicative of relative variation within an arterial pressure signal obtained from a particular location.” Ans. 8. Here, Chang discloses that changes in heartbeat frequency can be used to detect arrhythmia. Chang ¶ 11. Atrial fibrillation is a common type of arrhythmia. Wiesel ¶ 8. Wiesel also discloses that a heartbeat causes ejection of blood from the heart that results in a pressure wave that is detected as a pulse. Id. ¶ 10. Thus, a skilled artisan would have reasonably expected that changes in heartbeat frequency that indicate atrial fibrillation (an arrhythmia) would be detectable as changes in pressure throughout the vascular system, including in the pulmonary arteries. It therefore would have been obvious to modify the PAP sensor system of Stahmann ’221 to monitor a frequency-based stability parameter, based on Chang, in order to detect atrial fibrillation. We affirm the rejection of claims 1 and 23 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, and Chang. Claims 7, 9, 11–15, and 19 were not argued separately and therefore fall with claim 1. 37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(iv). V Appellants present separate arguments for claims 2, 3, and 20. Br. 60– 62. Appellants argue that [t]he Final Office Action is absolutely silent as to which limitations of claims 2 and 20 are taught by Stahmann [’221], or Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 27 lacking in Stahmann [’221]. The Final Office Action provides absolutely no basis or explanation for how or why the person of ordinary skill would rely on Wiesel, Moran, Galen, and Chang, individually or in any combination, to modify Stahmann [’221] in some manner that renders obvious claims 2 and 20. Br. 61. Similarly, Appellants argue that [t]he Final Office Action is absolutely silent as to which limitations of claim 3 are taught by Stahmann [’221], or lacking in Stahmann [’221]. The Final Office Action provides absolutely no basis or explanation for how or why the person of ordinary skill would rely on Wiesel, Moran, Galen, and Chang, individually or in any combination, to modify Stahmann [’221] in some manner that renders obvious claim 3. Id. at 62. We agree with the Examiner, however, that the rejection adequately addresses claims 2, 3, and 20. See Ans. 15: [T]he proposed modification to Stahmann ’221 is to process the existing PAP signal to determine a timing-based stability parameter indicative of cycle-to-cycle timing variation (as taught/suggested by Wiesel) and at least one of an amplitude- based stability parameter indicative of per-cycle amplitude variation (as taught/suggested by Moran and Wiesel), a morphology-based stability parameter indicative of per-cycle morphology variation (as taught/suggested by Galen and Wiesel) and a frequency-based stability parameter indicative of per-cycle frequency variation (as taught/suggested by Chang and Wiesel); [and] compare these parameters to respective thresholds to identify atrial fibrillation (in the manner taught/suggested by Wiesel), for the reasons noted above. This proposed modification addresses each limitation of claims 2 and 3 [and 20]. We therefore affirm the rejection of claims 2, 3, and 20. Appeal 2017-010178 Application 13/366,106 28 VI The Examiner has rejected claims 4–6 as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, Moran (or Galen or Chang), and Stegemann; claim 8 as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, Moran (or Galen or Chang), and Muessig; claim 10 as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, Moran (or Galen or Chang), and Stahmann ’075; and claims 16–18 as obvious based on Stahmann ’221, Wiesel, Moran (or Galen or Chang), and Ghanem. Appellants have waived arguments addressed to Stegemann, Muessig, Stahmann ’075, or Ghanem. Br. 64–65. We therefore affirm the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) of claims 4–6, 8, 10, and 16–18. 37 C.F.R. § 41.37(c)(1)(iv) (The Appeal Brief must contain “[t]he arguments of appellant with respect to each ground of rejection.”); Hyatt v. Dudas, 551 F.3d 1307, 1314 (Fed. Cir. 2008) (“In the event of such a waiver, the PTO may affirm the rejection of the group of claims that the examiner rejected on that ground without considering the merits of those rejections.”). SUMMARY We reverse the rejection of claims 1–23 under 35 U.S.C. § 101. We affirm all of the rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a). TIME PERIOD FOR RESPONSE No time period for taking any subsequent action in connection with this Appeal may be extended under 37 C.F.R. § 1.136(a). AFFIRMED Copy with citationCopy as parenthetical citation