Wyo. Stat. § 9-12-1401

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 9-12-1401 - Economically needed diversity options for Wyoming executive council; creation; appointment and terms of members
(a) There is created the economically needed diversity options for Wyoming (ENDOW) executive council. The members shall represent existing, new and emerging economic sectors or subsectors or have demonstrated executive level experience. The council shall consist of not more than twenty (20) voting members, appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. The presiding officers of the house and senate and the chairmen of the house and senate minerals, business and economic development committees shall be ex officio, nonvoting members. The governor may remove any appointed member as provided in W.S. 9-1-202. If an appointed member's position is vacant the governor shall appoint a new member as provided in W.S. 28-12-101. The governor, or his designee, shall be a member and chairman of the council, but shall not vote. The council shall elect a vice-chairman from among the appointed members. One-half plus one (1) of the appointed members shall have initial terms of four (4) years and the remaining members shall have initial terms of two (2) years. Thereafter, appointed members shall serve for terms of four (4) years.
(b) In appointing members the governor shall, to the extent practicable, provide for diversity of members based upon existing, new and emerging economic sectors and subsectors. No more than two (2) members shall be appointed to serve concurrently from the same economic subsector.
(c) Members of the council shall not receive compensation for their services, but when engaged in the performance of their duties, they may receive travel expenses, per diem and mileage expenses in the same manner and amount as employees of the state.
(d) The council shall meet as often as necessary to conduct business. Meetings shall be called by the cochairmen. A majority of the voting members of the council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any power or function of the council.
(e) The council shall be administered by the office of the governor and staffed and supported by the Wyoming business council, community college commission, University of Wyoming and department of workforce services. The council shall, where appropriate and authorized by the governor, make use of the services and facilities of other departments, boards, commissions and agencies of the state of Wyoming.
(f) As used in this article:
(i) "Business development and innovation zone" means defined geographic areas within the state in which local, state and federal permitting and other regulatory requirements will be met for all or significant segments of industry located in the zone or in which industries or businesses would be benefitted substantially as a result of being located in proximity to each other;
(ii) "Economic sector" and "economic subsector" means a primary business activity identified respectively as a sector or subsector in the most recent edition of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) manual.

W.S. 9-12-1401

Amended by Laws 2018 , ch. 125, § 1, eff. 3/14/2018.
Added by Laws 2017 , ch. 140, § 2, eff. 3/3/2017.