Wyo. Stat. § 9-1-211

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 9-1-211 - Vacancy in office of governor; successor designated; order of succession; proclamation on succession
(a) If the governor is removed, dies, resigns or is unable to act, the state officer appearing highest on the following list who satisfies all constitutional qualifications for governor and is not under impeachment by the house of representatives shall act as governor until the disability of the governor is removed or a new governor is elected and qualified:
(i) Secretary of state;
(ii) President of the senate;
(iii) Speaker of the house of representatives;
(iv) State auditor;
(v) State treasurer;
(vi) State superintendent of public instruction;
(vii) Vice-president of the senate;
(viii) Speaker pro tem of the house of representatives.
(b) If the powers and duties of the office of governor devolve upon any person named in subsection (a) of this section, that person shall issue a proclamation that the incumbent governor has ceased to act as governor, giving the reason, and stating that the person issuing the proclamation has assumed the duties and powers of the governor.

W.S. 9-1-211