Wyo. Stat. § 42-4-201

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 42-4-201 - Action against third party; notice; subrogation
(a) If a person who is or becomes an applicant or recipient for medical assistance under this chapter receives an injury under circumstances creating a legal liability in some third party, the applicant or recipient shall not be deprived of any medical assistance for which he is entitled under this chapter. He may also pursue his remedy at law against the third party. If the applicant or recipient recovers from the third party in any manner, including judgment, compromise, settlement or release, the state is entitled to be reimbursed for all payments made, or to be made, on behalf of the applicant or recipient under this chapter.
(b) The department shall be served by certified mail, return receipt requested, with a copy of the complaint within seven (7) days of its filing in any suit initiated pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. Any attorney who knowingly fails to serve the complaint on the department shall be reported to the state board of professional responsibility for the Wyoming state bar. The department shall be notified in writing by certified mail return receipt requested of any judgment, compromise, settlement or release entered into by any person who has been an applicant for or recipient of medical assistance under this chapter after the date of injury. If there is a settlement, compromise or release entered into by the parties the attorney general representing the director shall be made a party in all negotiations for settlement, compromise or release. The department, for purposes of facilitating compromise and settlement, may in a proper case authorize acceptance by the state of less than the state's claim for reimbursement under this section for all current and future assistance under this chapter. Any reimbursement right created pursuant to this article shall remain in effect until the state is paid the amount authorized under this section. In addition the person paying the settlement remains liable to the state's reimbursement right unless the state through the attorney general signs the release prior to payment of an agreed settlement.
(c) If the injury causes death of the recipient, the rights and remedies in this section inure to, and the obligations are binding upon the personal representative of the deceased recipient for the benefit of his dependents.
(d) Repealed By Laws 2002, Ch. 39, § 2.
(e) If, after notice is provided in accordance with this section, the department states in writing that it will neither file an independent action nor intervene in an existing action as allowed by W.S. 42-4-114, the department's reimbursement right shall be reduced by not more than thirty-three percent (33%) for attorney's fees together with the amount of its proportionate share of costs. If the department does not provide this written statement, its right to reimbursement shall not be reduced by any share of the recipient's attorney's fees or costs.

W.S. 42-4-201