Wyo. Stat. § 39-15-107.2

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 39-15-107.2 - Voluntary disclosure

The department of revenue may enter into a voluntary disclosure agreement with any person establishing sufficient contact with this state to qualify the person as a vendor under this article. Application for voluntary disclosure shall be made in a manner and form as prescribed by the department of revenue and shall include a report of transactions taxable under this article. The report shall include a period of not more than the three (3) previous years immediately preceding the agreement. Agreements which include foreclosure to audit shall be cosigned by the director of the department of audit or his designee. The department of revenue shall not enter into a voluntary disclosure agreement with any person currently engaged in an audit or similar investigation by the department of audit or the department of revenue. For good cause, the department of revenue may waive penalties and interest applicable to any tax liability under this article disclosed in a voluntary disclosure agreement.

W.S. 39-15-107.2