Wyo. Stat. § 31-9-401

Current through the 2024 legislative session
Section 31-9-401 - Suspension and revocation of license and registrations until proof maintained; when proof required
(a) Whenever the division, under any law of this state, mandatorily suspends or revokes the license of any person, the division shall also suspend the registration for all motor vehicles registered in the name of the person, except that the registration shall not be suspended, unless otherwise required by law, if the person has given or gives and maintains proof of financial responsibility with respect to all motor vehicles registered by the person.
(b) The license and registration shall not be renewed nor shall any license be issued to the person, nor shall any motor vehicle be registered in the name of the person until permitted under the motor vehicle laws of this state and until he shall give and maintain proof of financial responsibility.
(c) If a person is not licensed, but by final order or judgment is convicted of or forfeits any bail or collateral deposited to secure an appearance for trial for any offense requiring the suspension or revocation of license, or for operating a motor vehicle upon the highways without being licensed to do so, or for operating an unregistered motor vehicle upon the highways, no license shall be issued to the person and no motor vehicle shall continue to be registered or be registered in the name of the person until he shall give and maintain proof of financial responsibility.
(d) Whenever the division suspends or revokes a nonresident's operating privileges, the privileges shall remain so suspended or revoked unless the person has given or gives and maintains proof of financial responsibility.
(e) Proof of financial responsibility required to be given and maintained under this act shall be maintained for three (3) years from the date it is required except as provided in W.S. 31-9-413.
(f) Subsections (a) through (e) of this section do not apply to the suspension of a license or nonresident operating privilege under W.S. 31-7-128(f), (g) or (n).

W.S. 31-9-401