W. Va. Code § 22-16-6

Current through 2024 First Special Session
Section 22-16-6 - Establishment of reserve funds, replacement and improvement funds and sinking funds; fiscal agent; purposes for use of bond proceeds; application of surplus
(a) Before issuing any revenue bonds in accordance with the provisions of this article, the solid waste management board shall consult with and be advised by the West Virginia water development authority as to the feasibility and necessity of the proposed issuance of revenue bonds.
(b) Prior to issuing revenue bonds under the provisions of this article, the board shall enter into agreements satisfactory to the West Virginia water development authority with regard to the selection of all consultants, advisors and other experts to be employed in connection with the issuance of such bonds and the fees and expenses to be charged by such persons, and to establish any necessary reserve funds and replacement and improvement funds, all such funds to be administered by the water development authority, and, so long as any such bonds remain outstanding, to establish and maintain a sinking fund or funds to retire such bonds and pay the interest thereon as the same may become due. The amounts in any such sinking fund, as and when so set apart by the board, shall be remitted to the West Virginia water development authority at least thirty days previous to the time interest or principal payments become due, to be retained and paid out by the water development authority, as agent for the board, in a manner consistent with the provisions of this article and with the resolution pursuant to which the bonds have been issued. The water development authority shall act as fiscal agent for the administration of any sinking fund and reserve fund established under each resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds pursuant to the provisions of this article, and shall invest all funds not required for immediate disbursement in the same manner as funds are invested pursuant to the provisions of section fifteen, article one, chapter twenty-two-c of this code.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this article to the contrary, no revenue bonds shall be issued, nor the proceeds thereof expended or distributed, pursuant to the provisions of this article, without the prior approval of the water development authority.
(d) If the proceeds of revenue bonds issued for any solid waste landfill closure project exceed the cost thereof, the surplus shall be paid into the fund herein provided for the payment of principal and interest upon such bonds. Such fund may be used by the fiscal agent for the purchase or redemption of any of the outstanding bonds payable from such fund at the market price, but not at a price exceeding the price at which any of such bonds are in the same year redeemable, as fixed by the board in its said resolution, and all bonds redeemed or purchased shall forthwith be canceled, and shall not again be issued.

W. Va. Code § 22-16-6