- Section 1621 - Congressional declaration of purpose; use of existing facilities; cooperation with States
- Section 1622 - Duties of Secretary relating to agricultural products
- Section 1622a - Authority to assist farmers and elevator operators
- Section 1622b - Specialty crops market news allocation
- Section 1622c - Repealed
- Section 1623 - Authorization of appropriations; allotments to States
- Section 1623a - Omitted
- Section 1624 - Cooperation with Government and State agencies, private research organizations, etc.; rules and regulations
- Section 1625 - Transfer and consolidation of functions, powers, bureaus, etc
- Section 1626 - Definitions
- Section 1627 - Appointment of personnel; compensation; employment of specialists
- Section 1627a - Sheep production and marketing grant program
- Section 1627b - National Sheep Industry Improvement Center
- Section 1627c - Local agriculture market program
- Section 1628 - Repealed
- Section 1629 - Establishment of committees to assist in research and service programs
- Section 1630 - Omitted
- Section 1631 - Protection for purchasers of farm products
- Section 1632 - Repealed
- Section 1632a - Agricultural marketing resource center pilot project
- Section 1632b - Agriculture Innovation Center Demonstration Program
- Section 1632c - Acer access and development program
- Section 1632d - Dairy business innovation initiatives
- Section 1632e - Cattle Contracts Library
- Section 1633 - Cooperation with State agencies in administration and enforcement of laws relating to marketing of agricultural products and control or eradication of plant and animal diseases and pests; coordination of administration of Federal and State laws