20 U.S.C. § 1451

Current through P.L. 118-78 (published on www.congress.gov on 07/30/2024)
Section 1451 - Purpose; definition of personnel; program authority
(a) Purpose

The purpose of this part is to assist State educational agencies in reforming and improving their systems for personnel preparation and professional development in early intervention, educational, and transition services in order to improve results for children with disabilities.

(b) Definition of personnel

In this part the term "personnel" means special education teachers, regular education teachers, principals, administrators, related services personnel, paraprofessionals, and early intervention personnel serving infants, toddlers, preschoolers, or children with disabilities, except where a particular category of personnel, such as related services personnel, is identified.

(c) Competitive grants
(1) In general

Except as provided in subsection (d), for any fiscal year for which the amount appropriated under section 1455 of this title, that remains after the Secretary reserves funds under subsection (e) for the fiscal year, is less than $100,000,000, the Secretary shall award grants, on a competitive basis, to State educational agencies to carry out the activities described in the State plan submitted under section 1453 of this title.

(2) Priority

In awarding grants under paragraph (1), the Secretary may give priority to State educational agencies that-

(A) are in States with the greatest personnel shortages; or
(B) demonstrate the greatest difficulty meeting the requirements of section 1412(a)(14) of this title.
(3) Minimum amount

The Secretary shall make a grant to each State educational agency selected under paragraph (1) in an amount for each fiscal year that is-

(A) not less than $500,000, nor more than $4,000,000, in the case of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; and
(B) not less than $80,000 in the case of an outlying area.
(4) Increase in amount

The Secretary may increase the amounts of grants under paragraph (4) to account for inflation.

(5) Factors

The Secretary shall determine the amount of a grant under paragraph (1) after considering-

(A) the amount of funds available for making the grants;
(B) the relative population of the State or outlying area;
(C) the types of activities proposed by the State or outlying area;
(D) the alignment of proposed activities with section 1412(a)(14) of this title;
(E) the alignment of proposed activities with the State plans and applications submitted under sections 6311 and 6611(d) 1 respectively, of this title; and
(F) the use, as appropriate, of scientifically based research activities.
(d) Formula grants
(1) In general

Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), for the first fiscal year for which the amount appropriated under section 1455 of this title, that remains after the Secretary reserves funds under subsection (e) for the fiscal year, is equal to or greater than $100,000,000, and for each fiscal year thereafter, the Secretary shall allot to each State educational agency, whose application meets the requirements of this part, an amount that bears the same relation to the amount remaining as the amount the State received under section 1411(d) of this title for that fiscal year bears to the amount of funds received by all States (whose applications meet the requirements of this part) under section 1411(d) of this title for that fiscal year.

(2) Minimum allotments for States that received competitive grants
(A) In general

The amount allotted under this subsection to any State educational agency that received a competitive multi-year grant under subsection (c) for which the grant period has not expired shall be not less than the amount specified for that fiscal year in the State educational agency's grant award document under that subsection.

(B) Special rule

Each such State educational agency shall use the minimum amount described in subparagraph (A) for the activities described in the State educational agency's competitive grant award document for that year, unless the Secretary approves a request from the State educational agency to spend the funds on other activities.

(3) Minimum allotment

The amount of any State educational agency's allotment under this subsection for any fiscal year shall not be less than-

(A) the greater of $500,000 or 1/2 of 1 percent of the total amount available under this subsection for that year, in the case of each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; and
(B) $80,000, in the case of an outlying area.
(4) Direct benefit

In using grant funds allotted under paragraph (1), a State educational agency shall, through grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements, undertake activities that significantly and directly benefit the local educational agencies in the State.

(e) Continuation awards
(1) In general

Notwithstanding any other provision of this part, from funds appropriated under section 1455 of this title for each fiscal year, the Secretary shall reserve the amount that is necessary to make a continuation award to any State educational agency (at the request of the State educational agency) that received a multi-year award under this subchapter (as this subchapter was in effect on the day before December 3, 2004), to enable the State educational agency to carry out activities in accordance with the terms of the multi-year award.

(2) Prohibition

A State educational agency that receives a continuation award under paragraph (1) for any fiscal year may not receive any other award under this part for that fiscal year.

1 So in original. Probably should be followed by a comma.

20 U.S.C. § 1451

Pub. L. 91-230, title VI, §651, as added Pub. L. 108-446, §101, 118 Stat. 2765; amended Pub. L. 114-95, §9215, 129 Stat. 2183.


PRIOR PROVISIONSA prior section 1451, Pub. L. 91-230, title VI, §651, as added Pub. L. 105-17, §101, 111 Stat. 123, related to the findings and purposes of part A of former subchapter IV of this chapter, prior to the general amendment of subchapters I to IV of this chapter by Pub. L. 108-446. Another prior section 1451, Pub. L. 91-230, title VI, §651, Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 186; Pub. L. 100-630, title I, §106(b), Nov. 7, 1988, 102 Stat. 3300; Pub. L. 101-476, §601, title IX, §901(b) (150), Oct. 30, 1990, 104 Stat. 1138, 1149; Pub. L. 102-119, §25(b), Oct. 7, 1991, 105 Stat. 607, related to the purposes of former subchapter VI of this chapter, which included promoting general welfare of deaf and hard of hearing individuals and visually impaired individuals and educational advancement of individuals with disabilities, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 105-17, §203, 111 Stat. 157, effective Oct. 1, 1997.

AMENDMENTS2015-Subsec. (c)(5)(E). Pub. L. 114-95 substituted "and 6611(d)" for "and 6612,".


EFFECTIVE DATE OF 2015 AMENDMENT Amendment by Pub. L. 114-95 effective Dec. 10, 2015, except with respect to certain noncompetitive programs and competitive programs, see section 5 of Pub. L. 114-95, set out as a note under section 6301 of this title.

EFFECTIVE DATEPart effective July 1, 2005, see section 302(a) of Pub. L. 108-446, set out as a note under section 1400 of this title.

The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Education.
State educational agency
The term "State educational agency" means the State board of education or other agency or officer primarily responsible for the State supervision of public elementary schools and secondary schools, or, if there is no such officer or agency, an officer or agency designated by the Governor or by State law.
The term "State" means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and each of the outlying areas.
outlying area
The term "outlying area" means the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
special education
The term "special education" means specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability, including-(A) instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and in other settings; and(B) instruction in physical education.
transition services
The term "transition services" means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that-(A) is designed to be within a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of the child with a disability to facilitate the child's movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation;(B) is based on the individual child's needs, taking into account the child's strengths, preferences, and interests; and(C) includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives, and, when appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation.