S.D. Codified Laws § 43-30 app. 7-06

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 7-06 - Marketable title acts

Chapter 233 Laws for 1947

Chapter 256 Laws for 1951 (SDC Supp. 51.16B)

Chapter 266 Laws for 1957 (SDC 1960 Supp. 51.16B)

[Chapter 43-30]

The above are valid statutes of limitation and may respectively be relied upon as a cure or remedy for imperfections in the chain of title and a bar against all claims arising prior to the several dates referred to in each, except those specifically reserved therein. As a prerequisite to reliance upon these statutes for the purpose of title examination, it will be necessary only to require that the abstract or record examination show the recording of an affidavit of possession, as required by the act relied on; that such possession is in the holder of the record title and that there is no claim of record under the provisions of the act relied upon.

SDCL app TO CHAPTER 43-30 § 7-06