S.D. Codified Laws § 43-30 app. 5-26

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 5-26 - Discrepancy in corporate name

The alternate use of "Co." for Company, "Inc." for Incorporated, "Corp." for Corporation, "LLC" for Limited Liability Company, "LLP" for Limited Liability Partnership, "PLC" for Professional Limited Liability Company, "Coop." for Cooperative, "Ltd." for Limited, "P.C." for Professional Corporation, and similar common abbreviations, the omission or inclusion of the word "The," whether or not a part of the corporate name, and the alternate use of "and" and " & " may be disregarded as immaterial unless there is evidence of record that the variation has significance.

Where a place or location preceded by "of" or "in" is a part of the title of a corporation and a variance relative thereto appears in the record, it is proper to require the execution of another instrument or an appropriate showing of identity.

SDCL app TO CHAPTER 43-30 § 5-26