S.D. Codified Laws § 21-17A-3

Current through the 2024 Legislative Session
Section 21-17A-3 - Affidavit required for execution in debt action-Contents

Before a writ of attachment for a debt may be executed, the plaintiff or someone on his behalf shall make and attach thereto an affidavit, stating that the defendant is indebted to the plaintiff in a sum exceeding fifty dollars, specifying the amount above all setoffs, and that the debt is due upon express or implied contract or upon a judgment, and that the affiant knows or has good reason to believe any of the following:

(1) The defendant is absent from this state, or is concealed here so that summons cannot be served on him;
(2) The defendant has disposed of or concealed or is about to dispose of or conceal his property or some part thereof with intent to defraud his creditors;
(3) The defendant has removed or is about to remove property from this state with intent to defraud his creditors;
(4) The defendant fraudulently incurred the obligation respecting which the action is brought;
(5) The defendant is not a resident of this state;
(6) The defendant is a foreign corporation, or, if domestic, that no officer or agent thereof on whom to serve the summons exists or resides in this state or can be found;
(7) The action is against a defendant as principal on an official bond to recover money due the state or to some political subdivision thereof, or that the action is against the defendant as principal upon a bond or other instrument given as evidence of debt for or to secure the payment of money embezzled or misappropriated by the defendant as an officer of the state or of a political subdivision thereof;
(8) The action is against a defendant to recover purchase money for personal property sold to the defendant, in which case the property shall be specifically described, if one of the conditions under subdivision (1), (5), or (9) of this section and one of the conditions under subdivision (2) or (3) of this section is also alleged;
(9) The defendant is about to remove his residence from the county where he resides with the intention of permanently changing it and fails or neglects on demand to give security for the debt upon which the action is commenced;
(10) The action is against the owner of any motor vehicle for damages alleged to have been caused by the negligence of such owner or his duly authorized agent, the motor vehicle alleged to have been driven, occupied or owned by a negligent driver or owner thereof, at the time of such accident, may be attached, if one of the conditions under subdivision (1) or (5) of this section and one of the conditions under subdivision (2) or (3) of this section is also alleged.

SDCL 21-17A-3

SL 1983, ch 168, § 3.