71 Pa. Stat. § 1340.315

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 1340.315 - Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council
(a) Composition.--The Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Council shall consist of the Secretary of Conservation and Natural Resources, six members who shall be appointed by the Governor, no more than three of whom shall be of the same political party six members who shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, no more than three of whom shall be of the same political party and six members who shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, no more than three of whom shall be of the same political party. The appointed members of the council shall be citizens of this Commonwealth who, during their respective terms, shall hold no other Commonwealth office to which any salary is attached. The council shall include persons knowledgeable in fields related to the work of the department.
(b) Term.--The term of office of each appointed member shall be three years, measured from the third Tuesday of January of the year in which he takes office, or until his successor has been appointed; except that in the initial appointments of the members of the council, the respective appointing authorities shall appoint two members for terms of one year each, two members for terms of two years each and two members for terms of three years each.
(c) Officers and meetings.--The council shall annually elect one of its appointed members as chairman and shall elect a secretary who need not be a member of the council. Meetings of the council shall be held at least quarterly or at the call of the chairman.
(d) Powers and duties.--
(1) The council shall review all conservation and natural resource laws of the Commonwealth and make appropriate suggestions for the revision, modification and codification thereof.
(2) The council shall consider, study and review the work of the department, and for this purpose the council shall have access to all books, papers, documents and records pertaining or belonging to the department.
(3) The council shall advise the department, on request, and shall make recommendations upon its initiative for the improvement of the work of the department.
(4) The council shall report annually to the Governor and to the General Assembly and may make such interim reports as are deemed advisable.
(5) The council shall have power to employ and fix the compensation of such experts, stenographers and assistants as may be deemed necessary to carry out the work of the council, but due diligence shall be exercised by the council to enlist such voluntary organizations and other agencies in Pennsylvania or elsewhere generally recognized as qualified to aid the council.

71 P.S. § 1340.315

1995, June 28, P.L. 89, No. 18, § 315, effective 7/1/1995.