53 Pa. Stat. § 58501

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 58501 - Repeals
(a) Nothing contained in this amendment, revision and reenactment shall be construed to revive any act or part of an act heretofore repealed.
(b) The following additional acts and parts of acts are hereby repealed as respectively indicated:
(1) The act, approved the twenty-second day of June, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws 844), entitled, as amended, "An act authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or any department or division thereof, and counties, cities, boroughs, incorporated towns, townships, school districts, vocational school districts, and institution districts to make contracts of life, health, hospitalization, medical services, and accident policies for the benefit of employes thereof, and contracts for pensions for such employes; and providing for the payment of the cost thereof," so far as it relates to townships of the first class.
(2) The act, approved the twenty-second day of June, one thousand nine hundred thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws 845), entitled "An act authorizing the publication of advertisements for bids for public works, supplies or equipment in certain publications and journals devoted to information about construction work," so far as it relates to townships of the first class.
(3) The act, approved the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred thirty-five (Pamphlet Laws 124), entitled "An act authorizing the insurance of deposits of funds, of this Commonwealth and of the political subdivisions thereof, with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other similar agency; and prohibiting requiring further security for amounts so insured," so far as it relates to townships of the first class.
(4) The act, approved the eighteenth day of July, one thousand nine hundred thirty-five (Pamphlet Laws 1173), entitled "An act to prohibit discrimination on account of race, creed or color in employment under contracts for public buildings or public works," so far as it relates to townships of the first class.
(5) The act, approved the sixteenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred thirty-seven (Pamphlet Laws 98), entitled "An act authorizing political subdivisions to stipulate in specifications, upon which contracts for the construction, alteration or repairs of any public work or improvement are entered into, the minimum wages to be paid to laborers and mechanics, and providing for the stipulation of penalties in such contracts where such minimum wage stipulations are violated, and for the recovery of such penalties, and their return in certain cases," so far as it relates to townships of the first class.
(6) The act, approved the fifth day of June, one thousand nine hundred forty-one (Pamphlet Laws 84), entitled "An act providing for and regulating the appointment, promotion and reduction in rank, suspension and removal of paid members of the police force in boroughs, incorporated towns and townships of the first class maintaining a police force of not less than three members; creating a civil service commission in each borough, incorporated town and township of the first class; defining the duties of such civil service commission; imposing certain duties and expense on boroughs, incorporated towns and townships of the first class; imposing penalties, and repealing inconsistent laws," so far as it relates to townships of the first class.
(7) The act, approved the first day of June, one thousand nine hundred forty-five (Pamphlet Laws 1232), entitled "An act providing for and regulating the appointment, promotion and reduction in rank, suspension and removal of paid operators of fire apparatus in boroughs, incorporated towns and townships of the first class; creating a civil service commission in each borough, incorporated town and township of the first class; defining the duties of such civil service commission; imposing certain duties and expenses on boroughs, incorporated towns and townships of the first class; imposing penalties; and repealing inconsistent laws," so far as it relates to townships of the first class.
(8) The act of April 9, 1931 (P.L. 22, No. 20), entitled "An act to validate and confirm tax levies made for general township purposes, in excess of ten mills, by boards of township commissioners of townships of the first class, when such excess was for the purpose of the payment of interest on indebtedness and sinking fund charges," absolutely.
(9) The act of July 2, 1937 (P.L. 2803, No. 588), entitled "An act providing a method of annexation of townships of the first class, and parts thereof, to cities and boroughs, and regulating the proceedings pertaining thereto," absolutely.
(10) The act of July 18, 1935 (P.L. 1172, No. 381), entitled "An act requiring tax collectors of townships of the first class to secure from banks, banking institutions or trust companies a bond to secure payment of deposits of all township tax money deposited therein by such tax collector, secured by a surety company authorized to transact business within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or a depository agreement secured by the deposit of bonds or interest bearing securities of the United States, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or any city, borough, township or school district in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania," absolutely.
(c) All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with, supplied by, or appertaining to the subject matter covered by this act are repealed. It is the intention that this act shall furnish a complete and exclusive system for the government and regulation of townships of the first class, except as to the several matters enumerated in section 103 of this act.
(d) This act shall not repeal or modify any of the provisions of the following:
(1) 66 Pa.C.S. Pt. I (relating to Public Utility Code).
(2) A law, the enforcement of which is vested in the Department of Health.
(3) A law, the enforcement of which is vested in the Department of Environmental Protection.
(4) A law, the enforcement of which is vested in the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

53 P.S. § 58501

1931, June 24, P.L. 1206, art. XXXV, § 3501. Amended 1949, May 27, P.L. 1955, § 64; 2020, Oct. 29, P.L. 782, No. 96, § 154, effective in 60 days [Dec. 28, 2020].