53 Pa. Stat. § 4543

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 4543 - Necessity of license; term; application; penalty for misstatements; affidavits; fee; protests

No persons shall open, operate, maintain, or conduct, either temporarily or otherwise, any employment agency, or perform any of the acts authorized to be performed by an employment agency, in any city of the first or second class, without procuring a license from the Director of Public Safety, as provided herein. The application for a license must be made in a form prescribed by the Director of Public Safety, and may be made at any time; but every such license shall expire on the first day of October following its issue, unless sooner surrendered or revoked. Every applicant for a license shall furnish to the Director of Public Safety, at the time of making his application for a license, a statement containing the full name of the applicant, his place of residence, and a description of the premises on which he desires to conduct an employment agency. If the applicant is a corporation, the application must specify also the names and addresses of the president, treasurer and secretary thereof, or other officers performing corresponding duties under different names; and the Director of Public Safety may, in his discretion, require the names and addresses of all the officers, including the directors, of any corporate applicant for a license. If the applicant is a partnership or unincorporated association, the names and addresses of all the members thereof must be specified in the application. The application must be subscribed by the applicant or applicants therefor, if natural persons; and, if a corporation, in the corporate name, by the president or chief officer thereof, attested by the secretary or assistant secretary, with the corporate seal attached. Each application must state that the applicant or applicants is or are the person or persons who have the sole beneficial interest in the business established or to be established, and must have attached thereto an affidavit that all the statements contained in the application are true. The statements contained in said application for a license shall be received in evidence in all courts of this Commonwealth, and shall be competent and sufficient prima facie evidence of all the facts stated therein; and, for each and every misstatement in said application, a city magistrate, justice of the peace, or any interior magistrate, having original jurisdiction in criminal cases, shall have summary jurisdiction, and the right to impose for each misstatement a fine of twenty-five (25) dollars. The application for a license shall be accompanied by the affidavit of two freeholders of the city, in which the agency is sought to be established, that the applicant is a person of good moral character; or, if a corporation, that the officers thereof, and those under whose direction the business of the employment agency is to be carried on, are persons of good moral character; and the Director of Public Safety may also require any other statements to be made in the application which he may deem necessary. A fee of fifty (50) dollars, for the use of the city, shall accompany each application for a license, which fee shall be returned if the license is not granted. Every application for a license shall be filed not less than one week prior to the granting thereof, and notice thereof shall be posted in the office of the Director of Public Safety, from the date of filing until the date of final action thereon, and a written protest may be made by any person against the granting of such license. The Director of Public Safety shall either grant or reject said application for a license within thirty days from the time of the filing thereof.

53 P.S. § 4543

1907, April 25, P.L. 106, No. 90, § 3, effective Oct. 1, 1907. Amended 1911, June 13, P.L. 881, § 1.