43 Pa. Stat. § 165-10

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 165-10 - Duty of public body
(a) Before final payment is made by, or on behalf of any public body of any sum or sums due on public work, it shall be the duty of the treasurer of the public body or other officer or person charged with the custody and disbursement of the funds of the public body to require the contractor and subcontractor to file statements, in writing, in form satisfactory to the secretary, certifying to the amounts then due and owing from such contractor and subcontractor, filing such statement to any and all workmen for wages due on account of public work, setting forth therein the names of the persons whose wages are unpaid and the amount due to each respectively, which statement so to be filed shall be verified by the oath of the contractor and subcontractor, as the case may be, that he has read such statement subscribed by him, knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge: Provided, nevertheless, That nothing herein shall impair the right of a contractor to receive final payment because of the failure of any subcontractor to comply with provisions of this act.
(b) In case any workman shall have filed a protest, in writing, within three months from the date of the occurrence of the incident complained of, with the secretary, objecting to the payment to any contractor to the extent of the amount or amounts due or to become due to the said workman for wages for labors performed on public works, thereupon, the secretary shall direct the fiscal or financial officer of the public body, or other person charged with the custody and disbursements of the funds of the public body, to deduct from the whole amount of any payment on account thereof the sum or sums admitted by any contractor in such statement or statements so filed, to be due and owing by him on account of wages earned on such public work before making payment of the amount certified for payment and may withhold the amount so deducted for the benefit of the workmen whose wages are unpaid, as shown by the verified statement filed by any contractor, and may pay directly to any workmen the amount shown to be due to him for such wages by the statements filed as hereinbefore required, thereby discharging the obligation of the contractor to the person receiving such payment to the extent of the amount thereof.
(c) Any contractor or subcontractor who shall, under oath, verify the statement required to be filed under this section, which is known to him to be false, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) or to undergo imprisonment not exceeding five years, or both.

43 P.S. § 165-10

1961, Aug. 15, P.L. 987, § 10.