35 Pa. Stat. § 6018.610

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 6018.610 - Unlawful conduct

It shall be unlawful for any person or municipality to:

(1) Dump or deposit, or permit the dumping or depositing, of any solid waste onto the surface of the ground or underground or into the waters of the Commonwealth, by any means, unless a permit for the dumping of such solid wastes has been obtained from the department; provided, the Environmental Quality Board may by regulation exempt certain activities associated with normal farming operations as defined by this act from such permit requirements.
(2) Construct, alter, operate or utilize a solid waste storage, treatment, processing or disposal facility without a permit from the department as required by this act or in violation of the rules or regulations adopted under this act, or orders of the department, or in violation of any term or condition of any permit issued by the department.
(3) Burn solid wastes without a permit from the department.
(4) Store, collect, transport, process, treat, beneficially use, or dispose of, or assist in the storage, collection, transportation, processing, treatment, beneficial use or disposal of, solid waste contrary to the rules or regulations adopted under this act, or orders of the department, or any term or any condition of any permit, or in any manner as to create a public nuisance or to adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare.
(5) Transport hazardous waste without first having obtained a license from the department to conduct such transport activities.
(6) Transport or permit the transportation of any solid waste to any storage, treatment, processing or disposal facility or area unless such facility or area possesses a permit issued by the department to accept such wastes, or contrary to the rules or regulations adopted under this act, or orders of the department, or in such a manner as to adversely affect or endanger the public health, safety and welfare or environment through which such transportation occurs.
(7) Refuse, hinder, obstruct, delay, or threaten any agent or employee of the department in the course of performance of any duty under this act, including, but not limited to, entry and inspection under any circumstances.
(8) Consign, assign, sell, entrust, give or in any way transfer residual or hazardous waste which is at any time subsequently, by any such person or any other person;
(i) dumped or deposited or discharged in any manner into the surface of the earth or underground or into the waters of the Commonwealth unless a permit for the dumping or depositing or discharging of such residual or hazardous waste has first been obtained from the department; or
(ii) stored, treated, processed, disposed of or discharged by a residual or hazardous waste facility unless such facility is operated under a permit first obtained from the department.
(9) Cause or assist in the violation of any provision of this act, any rule or regulation of the department, any order of the department or any term or condition of any permit.

35 P.S. § 6018.610

1980 , July 7, P.L. 380, No. 97, § 610, effective in 60 days. Amended 1989 , July 11, P.L. 331, No. 55, § 3, effective in 60 days.