24 Pa. Stat. § 804

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 804 - Sale of such property by school directors; title acquired by purchaser

In all cases where the trustees of any academy or seminary in this commonwealth, which received money or land therefrom for educational purposes, have conveyed the real estate, buildings and property, and funds of or belonging thereto, to the board of directors and their successors in office of the common schools of the district in which the main building thereof was situated, in pursuance to the authority contained in section sixteen of the act of April eleventh, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two; and said school directors or their predecessors in office of any such district shall have acquired title, by conveyance as aforesaid, to any such real estate, so held by trustees or others for the general use of a neighborhood, under and by virtue of said last above recited act, and in pursuance to the provisions of section eighteen, placitum second, of the act approved the eighth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four; and any of such real estate, buildings and property, by reason of the falling into dilapidation and decay thereof, or the purchase of or acquiring title to other real estate, buildings or property by said district, better adapted to the purposes of education; and the said original real estate, buildings and property have become useless to the said district by reasons as aforesaid, or from any cause whatsoever, for the purposes of common school education; and the same or any thereof shall no longer be necessary for the purposes of the establishment and support of the schools, and for the use according to the intendment and purposes of the grant and conveyance thereof by said trustees or others to such district, under and by virtue of said act, that, in such cases, it shall be lawful for the said school directors, their survivor or survivors, or successors, to sell any such real estate, buildings and property, as aforesaid, at public sale, for the best price which shall or may be obtained for the same; a majority of said school directors first having, by resolution duly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said school board, sanctioned such sale; and the same to grant, convey and assure to the purchaser or purchasers, the heirs and assigns thereof, by deed or deeds and conveyances, duly executed, according to the provisions of the law relating to the sales of real estate and property of any school district; and the title, thereby vested in such purchaser or purchasers thereof, shall be held and enjoyed absolutely, freed and discharged of and from any trust or condition as to the use thereof, or charge or claim of any nature or kind whatsoever thereon, forever.

24 P.S. § 804

1905, March 24, P.L. 54, § 1.