21 Pa. Stat. § 259

Current through Pa Acts 2024-35, 2024-56
Section 259 - Defective acknowledgments by husband and wife prior to January 4, 1923

No deed, mortgage, or other instrument of writing, of and concerning any land, tenements, hereditaments, or any estate, right, title or interest therein, required by law to be acknowledged, which purports to have been acknowledged by husband and wife before any judge, justice of the peace, alderman, notary public, commissioner of deeds, or other person authorized by law, within this State or within any other State of the United States, or without the United States, to take acknowledgment of deeds, et cetera, shall be deemed, held, or adjudged invalid or defective or insufficient in law, or avoided or prejudiced, by reason of informality or omission in setting forth the particulars of the acknowledgment made before such person, as aforesaid, in the certificate thereof, where the acknowledgment bears date prior to the fourth day of January, in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three; but all and every such deed, mortgage, or other instrument of writing, where the acknowledgment thereof bears such prior date, and purports to have been made by husband and wife, as aforesaid, or the record of such deed, mortgage, or other instrument of writing, duly made in the proper office for recording of deeds in this Commonwealth, shall be as good, valid, and effectual in law, for transferring, passing, and conveying the estate, right, title, and interest of such husband and wife, of, in, and to the lands, tenements, and hereditaments, mentioned in the same, as if all the requisites and particulars of such acknowledgment, mentioned in the act, entitled "An act for the better confirmation of the estates of persons holding or claiming under feme-coverts, and for establishing a mode by which husband and wife may hereafter convey their estates," approved the twenty-fourth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and seventy, were particularly set forth in the certificate thereof; and the record of such deed, mortgage, or other instrument of writing, made in the proper county, as aforesaid, or exemplifications of such record duly certified, shall be legal evidence in all cases in which the original would be competent evidence. This act shall not apply to suits now pending and undetermined.

21 P.S. § 259

1923, March 28, P.L. 45, § 1.