ORS § 456.720

Current through 2024 Regular Session legislation effective June 6, 2024
Section 456.720 - Housing Finance Fund; Housing Development Account
(1) The Housing Finance Fund is established, separate and distinct from the General Fund. The Housing Finance Fund shall consist of the proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under ORS 456.645 and related refunding bonds, fees and other moneys received by the Housing and Community Services Department under ORS 456.548 to 456.725, moneys appropriated by the state for use by the department in carrying out ORS 456.548 to 456.725 and moneys made available from any other source for use by the department under ORS 456.548 to 456.725.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, moneys in the fund may be expended by the department for the purposes authorized in ORS 456.548 to 456.725. Except as otherwise provided in this section for a capital reserve account, the department may establish one or more accounts within the fund for use in carrying out ORS 456.548 to 456.725.
(3) There may be established within the fund capital reserve accounts. A capital reserve account shall consist of the aggregate of moneys retained by the department, pursuant to existing agreements with the bondholders, as the annual debt service reserve, as described in ORS 456.655 (1), for each bond issue sold by the department under ORS 456.645. All moneys in the account for an issue which the department has determined a debt service reserve is required shall be used solely for the payment of the principal and interest on the bonds as they mature, the purchase of such bonds, the payment of interest on such bonds and the payment of any redemption premium required to be paid by the department when any such bonds are redeemed prior to maturity. Moneys in the account may not be withdrawn therefrom at any time in such amount as would reduce the amount of moneys in the account below the maximum amount of principal and interest maturing and becoming due in the succeeding fiscal year on all such bonds then outstanding, except for the purpose of paying principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the bonds of the department maturing and becoming due and for the payment of which other moneys in the fund are not available.
(4) Except as otherwise provided in existing agreements with bondholders, any income or interest earned by or accruing to the capital reserve account because of the investment by the department of moneys within the account may be retained by the department in the fund to apply to any future deficiency that may occur or may be used by the department for the repayment of moneys in the Housing and Community Services Department Fund that were expended by the department pursuant to ORS 456.574 (2)(b).
(a) In order to assure the continual operation and maintenance of the capital reserve account in the Housing Finance Fund and to carry out ORS 456.548 to 456.725, if the amount of money on deposit in the capital reserve account in any year is less than the debt service reserves described in ORS 456.655 (1), the Director of the Housing and Community Services Department shall certify to the Governor and the Legislative Assembly or, during the interim, to the Emergency Board the amount needed to restore the account to its required debt service reserves. The amount so certified by the director may be appropriated by the Legislative Assembly or, during the interim, allocated by the Emergency Board and paid to the department during the then current fiscal year for deposit in the capital reserve account.
(b) For the purposes of this section, the department shall annually value investments in the capital reserve account at the amortized cost of the investments.
(6) There is established within the fund a Housing Development Account. Moneys in this account are hereby continuously appropriated to carry out the purposes of ORS 456.515 to 456.725 by contract, grant, loan or as otherwise determined necessary by the department.
(a) The Housing Development Account shall consist of moneys deposited or received by the department for the purposes of this account from whatever source. Of the moneys deposited into the account:
(A) The department shall not use moneys from its own resources for administrative expenses; and
(B) The department may use moneys from other sources for administrative expenses only to the extent provided by those sources.
(b) The department may return moneys received or deposited in the account to the original source of the moneys, as the director determines necessary.
(8) Except as otherwise stipulated by the source of moneys, any income or interest earned by or accruing to the Housing Development Account because of the investment by the department of moneys in the account may be retained by the department for the uses of the account.
(9) The department may enter into agreements regarding use of moneys received for the Housing Development Account with the source of the moneys, and may comply with the provisions of such agreements.

ORS 456.720

Amended by 2023 Ch. 193, § 21, eff. 6/7/2023.
1973 c.828 §27; 1975 c.97 §1; 1975 c.154 §6; 1987 c.567 §3; 1989 c.966 §51; 1995 c.79 §267; 2007 c. 783, § 203a