Okla. Stat. tit. 74E § 257:10-1-20

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Rule 257:10-1-20 - Use of campaign contributions and use of surplus funds
(a) Candidate committees.
(1) Use of campaign contributions. Contributions accepted by a candidate committee may not be converted by any person to any personal use, but shall be used, together with any interest income earned on such contributions, to defray any campaign expenditures or any ordinary and necessary nonreimbursed expenses incurred by the person in connection with his duties as a holder of the state office, including, but not limited to:
(A) payment of debts of a former election campaign of the same candidate,
(B) payment of expenses for use in a future election campaign of the same candidate,
(C) for political activity,
(D) for community activity,
(E) for nonreimbursed office related expenses, or
(F) for tickets for the Speaker's Ball.

Said contributions shall not be used for any other purposes except as permitted in Paragraph (3) of this subsection.

(2) Designation of use of surplus funds. A candidate whose candidate committee has an unexpended balance of funds not otherwise obligated for the purposes specified in Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall designate how the surplus funds are to be distributed. Uses are limited to those included in Paragraph (3) of this subsection and shall be set forth on the committee's statement of organization. Surplus funds may not be expended for any other purpose. The designated use or uses for surplus funds may be changed by the candidate committee by filing an amended statement of organization, provided that no contributions received prior to the date the amended statement of organization is filed with the Commission may be used for the amended use or uses.
(3) Use of surplus funds. The surplus funds may:
(A) be deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the General Revenue Fund;
(B) be returned to the contributors pursuant to any formula approved by the candidate; provided, any amount returned to a contributor shall not exceed the amount of the original contribution;
(C) be contributed to a charitable organization;
(D) be retained by the candidate or candidate committee for use in a future election for a six-year period following the General Election for the same or a different office;
(E) be used to defend legal actions or proceedings arising out of the campaign, election, or the performance of the candidate's official duties as a state officer; provided that such funds shall not be used to defend criminal charges;
(F) be used for a community activity;
(G) be used for political activity;
(H) be transferred to the state, county or congressional district committee of a political party, not to include an affiliated or connected entity of a political party;
(I) be distributed using a combination of these options; or
(J) be used for tickets for the Speaker's Ball.
(b) Other committees.
(1) Use of campaign contributions. Contributions accepted by any committee, other than a candidate committee, may not be converted by any person to any personal use and shall be used to defray any campaign expenditures and to further the committee's purposes. Said contributions shall not be used for any other purposes except as permitted in Paragraph (2) or (3) of this subsection. Such a committee with an unexpended balance of funds not otherwise obligated for the payment of expenses to further the committee's purposes shall designate how the surplus funds are to be disposed of on the committee's statement of organization. Surplus funds may not be expended for any other purpose. The designated use or uses for surplus funds may be changed by the committee by filing an amended statement of organization, provided that no contributions received prior to the date the amended statement of organization is filed with the Commission may be used for the amended use or uses.
(2) Use of surplus funds by committees supporting or opposing candidates.

Surplus funds of committees, other than candidate committees, formed solely to support or oppose candidates may be:

(A) deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the General Revenue Fund; or
(B) returned to the contributors pursuant to any formula approved by the committee; provided, any amount returned to a contributor shall not exceed the amount of the original contribution.
(3) Use of surplus funds by committees supporting or opposing ballot measures. Surplus funds of committees formed to support or oppose ballot measures may be:
(A) deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the General Revenue Fund;
(B) returned to the contributors pursuant to any formula approved by the committee; provided, any amount returned to a contributor shall not exceed the amount of the original contribution; or
(C) donated to a charitable organization; or
(D) donated to a community activity.
(4) Use of surplus funds by political action committees making only independent expenditures or electioneering communications. Surplus funds of political action committees formed to make only independent expenditures or electioneering communications may be:
(A) deposited with the State Treasurer to the credit of the General Revenue Fund;
(B) returned to the contributors pursuant to any formula approved by the committee; provided, any amount returned to a contributor shall not exceed the amount of the original contribution;
(C) donated to other political action committees formed solely to make independent expenditures or electioneering communications;
(D) donated to a charitable organization; or
(E) donated to a community activity.

Okla. Stat. tit. 74E, § 257:10-1-20

Amended Laws 1995. Amended Laws 1997. Amended Laws 2003. Amended Laws 2005. Amended Laws 2009. Amended Laws 2010. Amended Laws 2012.