Okla. Stat. tit. 74E § 257:1-1-2

Current through Laws 2024, c. 453.
Rule 257:1-1-2 - Definitions

The following words or terms shall have the following meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, with respect to Rules 257:1-1-11, 257:10-1-2, 257:10-1-7, 257:10-1-8, 257:10-1-9, 257:10-1-10, 257:10-1-11, 257:10-1-12, 257:10-1-13, 257:10-1-14, 257:10-1-15, 257:10-1-16, 257:10-1-18, 257:10-1-19 and 257:10-1-20:

"Accept", with reference to a contribution, means failure by a candidate, treasurer, deputy treasurer or agent of a committee to expressly and unconditionally reject and return a tendered contribution to the contributor within six (6) business days from receipt of the tender.

"Address" means mailing address unless otherwise specified in this title.

"Affiliated" or "Connected entity" means any entity which directly or indirectly establishes, administers or financially supports a political entity.

"Ballot measure" means an initiative, referendum, legislative referendum, legislative initiative, state question, or any proposition or measure submitted to voters for their approval or rejection at a statewide election.

"Business" means any corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited partnership, sole proprietorship, firm, enterprise, franchise, association, self-employed individual, holding company, joint stock company, receivership, trust, or any legal entity through which business is conducted for profit.

"Business day" means any day except a Saturday, Sunday or a legal holiday designated in Section 82.1 of Title 25 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

"Campaign" means and includes all activities for or against the election of a candidate to a specific state office for a specific term or the passage or defeat of a ballot measure from the date of acceptance of the first contribution, the making of the first expenditure, or the filing of a declaration of candidacy, whichever is first, until a final campaign contributions and expenditures report is filed.

"Campaign expenditure" is an expenditure not otherwise prohibited which is used to defray the costs of a candidate's campaign including, without limitation, advertising, travel and food while campaigning, and costs for campaign workers, whether paid or volunteers.

"Candidate" means a person who seeks nomination or election to state office. An individual is a candidate when the individual:

(1) has filed a declaration of candidacy for any state office with the Secretary of the State Election Board;

(2) has filed a declaration of candidacy with the Secretary of State and has drawn active opposition;

(3) is nominated as a "substitute candidate" pursuant to Section 1-105 of Title 26 of the Oklahoma Statutes; or

(4) solicits or accepts contributions, makes expenditures or gives consent to an individual, organization, party committee, or other committee to solicit or accept contributions or make expenditures to secure election to any state office at any time, whether or not the office for which the individual will seek nomination or election is known when the:

(A) solicitation is made;

(B) contribution is accepted; or

(C) expenditure is made.

The term "candidate" shall include a person whose candidacy is unopposed.

"Candidate committee" means the committee, consisting of one or more persons who may be the candidate only, designated by a candidate to promote the candidate's candidacy and serve as the recipient of all contributions and the disburser of all expenditures for the candidate.

"Charitable organization" means an entity described in 501 (c) (3) of Title 26 of the United States Code, 26 U.S.C., Section 501 (c) (3), as it currently exists or as it may be amended.

"Clearly identified" means the candidate's name, nickname, photograph or drawing appears, or the identity of the candidate is otherwise apparent including, but not limited to, an unambiguous reference such as "the Governor," "your State Representative," or "the incumbent," or including, but not limited to, an unambiguous reference to his or her status as a candidate such as "the Democratic gubernatorial nominee" or "the Republican candidate for State Senate District No. 49 in Oklahoma".

"Commission" means the Ethics Commission.

"Committee" means a candidate committee, political action committee, or party committee.


(1) means:

(A) an advance, conveyance, forgiveness of indebtedness, deposit, distribution, loan, payment, pledge, or transfer of money or anything of value; or

(B) a contract, agreement, promise, or other obligation for an advance, conveyance, forgiveness of indebtedness, deposit, distribution, loan, payment, pledge, or transfer of money or anything of value, for services rendered or to be rendered.

(2) The term does not include reimbursement of expenses:

(A) if the reimbursement:

(i) does not exceed the amount expended for the expenses; and

(ii) is substantiated by an itemization of expenses; or

(B) if the reimbursement is authorized by law.


(1) means and includes:

(A) a gift, subscription, loan, guarantee or forgiveness of a loan, conveyance, advance, payment, distribution, or deposit of money or anything of value made to and with the knowledge and for the benefit of a committee, which expressly advocates the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate or candidates or the passage or defeat of a ballot measure or ballot measures, or for reducing the debt of such committee;

(B) an expenditure expressly advocating the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate or candidates or the passage or defeat of a ballot measure or ballot measures made by a person or committee, other than a candidate committee, with the cooperation of, or in consultation with, a committee, a candidate, candidate committee, or candidate's agent or that is made in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, a candidate, candidate committee, or candidate's agent;

(C) the difference between the payment to a person, other than a candidate or committee, of compensation for personal services or products to the candidate or committee, and the reasonable and customary rate charged by the person for like services or products in like quantities when the candidate or committee has knowledge of the discounted services or products;

(D) anything of value received by a committee that is transferred from another committee or other source;

(E) sums paid for tickets for a political event such as a reception, rally, or a similar fundraising event; however, the amount of any such contribution may be reduced for the purpose of complying with the reporting and contribution limitations requirements of Chapter 10 of this title, by the actual cost of consumables furnished by the committee in connection with the purchase of the tickets, and only the excess over the actual cost of the consumables shall be deemed a contribution;

(F) the candidate's own money used on behalf of that candidate's candidacy; and

(G) the difference between the open market value and a discount or rebate:

(i) not extended to the public generally; or

(ii) by a television or radio station not extended equally to all candidates for the same office.

(2) The term "contribution" shall not include:

(A) the value of services provided without compensation by any individual who volunteers on behalf of a candidate or committee;

(B) for purposes of the contribution limits set forth in Section 2 of Chapter 10, the transfer of any funds by a political action committee to an affiliated or connected political action committee or by a party committee to an affiliated or connected party committee, provided the committees have been established as provided by law and the transferring committee and the receiving committee have been established, directly or indirectly, and are administered or financially supported, directly or indirectly, by a common entity; or

(C) any payment or obligation incurred by a corporation, labor organization, membership organization, cooperative or corporation without capital stock for the establishment, administration, and solicitation of contributions to a separate segregated fund or political action committee to be utilized for political purposes;

(D) a nonreimbursed payment made by an individual for the individual's own travel expenses on behalf of a committee;

(E) a payment made by an occupant of a residence or office for costs related to a meeting or fundraising event held in the occupant's residence or office if the costs for the meeting or fundraising event do not exceed five hundred dollars ($500). However, if the occupant hosts more than one (1) event in an election cycle for the same beneficiary, all subsequent payments that exceed five hundred dollars ($500) in the aggregate are contributions;

(F) a loan of money made in the ordinary course of business by a financial institution authorized to transact business in this state at terms and interest rates generally available to a member of the public without regard to that person's status as a state officer or state employee or a candidate for state office by the institution;

(G) a communication by a corporation, labor organization, or association aimed at its employees, members, owners, stockholders, directors, executive administrative personnel, or their families;

(H) a tender of a contribution if the tender is not accepted, including use as collateral, or is transferred to the state as provided in Subsection (i) of Section 2 of Chapter 10 of this title;

(I) the fair market value earnings of a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company; or

(J) a communication which does not expressly advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate or candidates or the passage or defeat of a ballot measure or ballot measures.

(3) If any person makes, or contracts to make, any disbursement for any electioneering communication as defined in this section; and such disbursement is coordinated with a:

(A) candidate or authorized committee of such candidate, or agent or official of any such candidate, such disbursement or contracting shall be treated as a contribution to the candidate supported by the electioneering communication and as an expenditure by that candidate committee;

(B) state or local political party or committee thereof, or agent or official of such political party, such disbursement or contracting shall be treated as a contribution to the political party of the candidate or candidates supported by the electioneering communication and as an expenditure by that candidate's or candidates' party; or

(C) ballot measure committee, or an agent or official of any such ballot measure committee; such disbursement or contracting shall be treated as a contribution to the ballot measure committee supported by the electioneering communication and as an expenditure by that ballot measure committee.

"Contributor" means and includes every person who makes a contribution.

"Day" means calendar day, except that in instances where a report or other document is required to be filed with the Commission and the calendar day upon which such a report or document must be filed falls on a day other than a business day, any such report or document may be filed on the immediate next business day.

"Election" means a Primary, Run-off Primary, General, or Special Election in which a candidate or ballot measure is on the ballot.

"Election board" means the State Election Board in reference to candidates who file a declaration of candidacy with the State Election Board.

"Election cycle" means the period beginning the day after the General Election, up to and including the following General Election, including a Primary, Special Primary and the following Special General Election.

"Electioneering communication"

(1) means any communication or series of communications that is sent by handbill or direct mail; broadcast by radio, television, cable or satellite; or appear in a newspaper, magazine or on a billboard which -

(A) refer to one candidate or one or more of the same clearly identified candidates for state office or one ballot measure or one or more of the same ballot measures;

(B) are made within -

(i) 60 days before a general or special election for the office sought by the candidate or candidates or the ballot measure or ballot measures; or

(ii) 30 days before a primary or runoff primary election for the office sought by the candidate or candidates; and

(C) are targeted to the relevant electorate;

(2) does not mean -

(A) a communication or series of communications appearing in a news story, commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any broadcasting station, newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, unless such facilities are owned or controlled by any political party, political action committee, candidate, candidate committee or ballot measure committee;

(B) a communication or series of communications which constitute an expenditure or an independent expenditure under this chapter; or

(C) a communication or series of communications which constitute a candidate debate or forum or which solely promotes such a debate or forum and is made by or on behalf of the person sponsoring the debate or forum;

(3) For purposes of this definition, a communication or series of communications which refer to one or more clearly identified candidates for state office or one or more ballot measures are 'targeted to the relevant electorate' if the communication or series of communications have been or can be received by -

(A) 2,500 or more persons in the district the candidate seeks to represent in the case of a candidate for the Oklahoma State House of Representatives;

(B) 5,000 or more in the district the candidate seeks to represent in the case of a candidate for district attorney, district judge, associate district judge, or the Oklahoma State Senate; or

(C) 25,000 or more persons in the State of Oklahoma in the case of a candidate for a statewide elective office or ballot measure.

"Elective officer" means an individual elected to a state office or an individual who is appointed to fill a vacancy in a state office.

(1) means a purchase, payment, distribution, loan, advance, compensation, reimbursement, fee deposit, transfer of funds between committees, or a gift made by a committee which is used to expressly advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate or candidates or the passage or defeat of a ballot measure or ballot measures.

(2) An expenditure does not include the following:

(A) a loan of money, made in the ordinary course of business, by a financial institution authorized to transact business in this state;

(B) a communication by a corporation, labor organization, or association aimed at its employees, members, owners, stockholders, executive administrative personnel, or their families;

(C) uncompensated services provided by an individual volunteering the individual's time; or

(D) a transfer of funds to another committee if such transfer is not accepted; or

(E) any news story, commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any broadcasting station, newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, unless such facilities are owned or controlled by any political party, political action committee, candidate, candidate committee or ballot measure committee.

"Expenditures incurred" means an amount owed to a creditor for purchase of delivered goods or completed services.

"Family" means an individual, his or her spouse, if any, and all children under the age of eighteen (18) years residing in the same household.

"Filer" means an individual who is required to file a report or statement pursuant to this title.

"For the purpose of" as used in Section 10-1-14(a)(13) shall mean that the funds are either (1) received by an organization or corporation in response to a solicitation specifically requesting funds to pay for an independent expenditure or an independent electioneering communication; or (2) specifically designated for independent expenditures or electioneering communications by the donor.

"Governmental entity"

(1) means any department, commission, authority, council, board, bureau, committee, legislative body, agency, state beneficial public trust, or other establishment of the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the State of Oklahoma.

(2) shall not mean entities of political subdivisions of the State of Oklahoma.

"Immediate family" means a child under the age of eighteen (18) years residing in a state officer's or state employee's household, a spouse of a state officer or state employee, and an individual claimed by the state officer or state employee or the state officer's or state employee's spouse as a dependent for tax purposes.

"Independent expenditure" means an expenditure made by a person to advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate or candidates or a ballot measure or ballot measures, but which is not made to, controlled by, coordinated with, requested by, or made upon consultation with a candidate, committee, treasurer, deputy treasurer or agent of a candidate committee or a ballot measure committee.

"In-kind contribution or expenditure" means goods or services provided to or by a person at no charge or for less than their fair market value, but shall not include services provided by a volunteer.

"Judicial office" means all elective offices for district judge, associate district judge and offices for which declarations of candidacy are filed with the secretary of state.

"Loan" means a transfer of money, property, guarantee, or anything of value in exchange for an obligation, conditional or not, to repay in whole or part.

(1) labor organization;

(2) collective bargaining organization;

(3) local, state, or national organization to which a labor organization pays membership or per capita fees, based upon its affiliation and membership; or

(4) trade or professional association that receives its funds exclusively from membership dues or service fees, whether organized inside or outside the state.

"Out-of-state", with respect to a committee or person, means that the committee or person expends funds to influence an election to a partisan political office outside the State of Oklahoma and that, in the twelve-month period preceding the funding of an independent expenditure or electioneering communication in this state, seventy-five (75%) or more of the committee's or person's total funding spent was spent on elections outside the State of Oklahoma or on federal elections.

"Party committee" means a political party or any affiliated or connected entity.

"Person" means an individual, corporation, limited liability company, association, proprietorship, firm, partnership, limited liability partnership, limited partnership, joint venture, joint stock company, syndicate, business trust, estate, trust, company, organization, committee, or club, or a group of persons who are voluntarily acting in concert.

"Political action committee"

(1) means a combination of at least two individuals, or a person other than an individual:

(A) with the primary purpose of:

(i) expressly supporting or opposing a clearly identified candidate or candidates, or a party committee, except those required to file with the Federal Election Commission, or

(ii) supporting or opposing a ballot measure; and

(B) which accepts or gives contributions or makes expenditures from a joint account aggregating at least five hundred dollars ($500) during a calendar year.

(2) does not include:

(A) a party committee or a candidate committee;

(B) a person other than an individual, when that person makes an expenditure or expenditures from an account to which contributions have not been solicited or accepted from any other persons or individuals; and, the expenditure or expenditures are required by these rules to be reported by the recipient committee or committees as a contribution or contributions;

(C) a combination of individuals, or a person other than an individual, if the combination of individuals, or a person other than an individual, solicits contributions on behalf of a committee; and, any contributions received as a result of the solicitation are forwarded to the committee without being deposited in any account; and, the contributions are required by these rules to be reported by the committee that receives the contributions;

(D) a corporation; or

(E) a labor union.

"Political party" means any political party so recognized for the purpose of having candidates appear on the ballot.

"State employee"

(1) means:

(A) an elective or appointed officer or an employee of any governmental entity, except members of the House of Representatives or State Senate; and

(B) an employee, other than an adjunct professor, in the service of an institution of higher education comprising the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education.

(2) does not mean a public member.

"State office" means all elective offices for which declarations of candidacy are filed with the Secretary of the State Election Board.

"State officer" means an elective, appointed or employed officer, including a public member, in the executive, judicial or legislative branch of the State of Oklahoma.

(1) when a candidate committee has an unexpended balance of funds not otherwise obligated for the purposes specified in Paragraph (1) of Subsection (a) of Section 20 of Chapter 10 of this title; or

(2) when a committee formed to support or oppose a ballot measure has an unexpended balance of funds not otherwise obligated for any campaign expenditure; or

(3) when a committee, other than a candidate committee or a ballot measure committee, has an unexpended balance of funds not otherwise obligated to further the committee's purposes.

"Transfer" means the movement or exchange of anything of value between committees, except the disposition of surplus funds or material assets by a candidate committee to a party committee in accordance with the dissolution procedure in Sections 19 and 20 of Chapter 10 of this title.

Okla. Stat. tit. 74E, § 257:1-1-2

Amended Laws 1995. Amended Laws 1997. Amended Laws 1998. Amended Laws 1999. Amended Laws 2000. Amended Laws 2001. Amended Laws 2002. Amended Laws 2003. Amended Laws 2005. Amended Laws 2006. Amended Laws 2007. Amended Laws 2008. Amended Laws 2009. Amended Laws 2010. Amended Laws 2011. Amended Laws 2012.